Kind words to describe someone means pleasant, good, caring, compassionate, tender, amicable, courteous and loving words that you can say about someone in order for such an individual to be happy.

A proverb says, “Hard word break no bones”. It means that harsh and unkind words will not hurt us. It’s the unkind deed that does us harm. There are other ways we can get hurt than by having our arms, legs or skull broken. Unkind words can hurt the heart; to hurt a person’s heart is a wound to the soul. To make someone sad and unhappy is often worst than breaking head.

Words have a lot of power, and they can be used to help or to hurt, to wound or to cure, to bless or to curse. Unkind words can do a lot of harm and cause a great deal of sorrow, while compassionate words can do a lot of good and cause a great deal of happiness.

Kind words to describe someone are cheap, it costs us nothing to say to tender words to one who is happy, sad and disappointed or in trouble. And often an amicable word is more welcome than a costly present. We can often spoil a friend’s happiness for a whole day by a frown, cross remark, a fit of bad temper or unkind word. It clouds his sky and puts the sun out.

We have no right to make others unhappy just because we feel displeased. How much better, then, to smile, to speak a cheery word, to say a kind word, and so make others happy.

Kind words come out of a kind heart. Selfish people find it hard to say kind words because they think only of their own happiness and care nothing about others. If we would say kind words, we must try to sympathize with the joy and sorrow of others and forget ourselves.

Benefits of using kind words to describe someone

There are several benefits that come with describing someone with kind words

  • It fills up a person with positivity, it assists people in finding and living their best possible selves.
  • It makes the speaker a better human, a happier and more inspiring person.
  • Affectionate words do not just create a physical impact, but also impact our thinking and our responses to various situations. It affects our behaviour, emotions, mood.
  • It can change someone’s entire life.
  • Kind words used to describe someone can bring sweetness and connection.


20 kind words to describe someone

Below are the 20 kind words to describe someone;

  • Adaptable: This is a kind word to describe someone who is capable of fitting a particular situation or use. For instance, You are an adaptable fellow. You blend well with your new work environment!
  • Adventurous: This is a kind word to describe someone who is willing to undertake new and daring enterprises. Eg Hey! you are an adventurous man, unafraid of risks.
  • Affectionate: This is a kind word to describe someone who is having or displaying warmth or fondness. For example, She seemed to be more than ever kind and affectionate to everyone.
  • Ambitious: This is a kind word to describe someone who is having a strong desire for success or achievement. For example, You are a very ambitious young man with a strong personality.
  • Amicable: This is a kind word to describe someone who is friendliness. Eg, Hello, john snow, you know, the whole thing was done on a perfectly amicable and understanding basis.
  • Compassionate: This is a kind word to describe someone who is showing or having sympathy for another’s suffering. For instance, The compassionate man donated half of his yearly salary to local charities.
  • Considerate: This is a kind word to describe someone who is showing concern for the rights and feelings of others. For example, She is one of the most considerate people I know.
  • Courageous: This is a kind word to describe someone who is able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching. Eg You’re a very resourceful and courageous person.
  • Diligent: This is a kind word to describe someone who is characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks. For example, He was diligent in the matter of temperature control.
  • Empathetic: This is a kind word to describe someone who is showing ready comprehension of others’ states. For example, People who readily express their gratitude are more empathetic and have better mental health than those who don’t.
  • Exuberant: This is a kind word to describe someone who is unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings. Eg, Even though Johnny was not a very good basketball player, he had such an exuberant attitude that he came across as one of the stars of the team.
  • Frank: This is a kind word to describe someone who is characterized by directness in manner or speech. For instance, Several men in the meeting spoke in a frank manner.
  • Generous: This is a kind word to describe someone who is willing to give and share unstintingly. For example, You have always been very generous toward the poor.
  • Gregarious: This is a kind word to describe someone who is temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others. Eg, She is such a gregarious and outgoing person.
  • Impartial: This is a kind word to describe someone who is free from undue bias or preconceived opinions. For example, Careers officers offer impartial advice to all pupils.
  • Intuitive: This is a kind word to describe someone who is having the ability to know or understand things without any proof or evidence. For instance, She’s very intuitive about people.
  • Inventive: This is a kind word to describe someone who is marked by independence and creativity in thought or action. Eg, Due to my mom’s inventive nature in fashion, my sister and I often wore her homemade dresses to school.
  • Passionate: This is a kind word to describe someone who is having or expressing strong emotions. For example, I like you. Your passionate interest in animal rights is outstanding.
  • Reliable: This is a kind word to describe someone who is able to be depended on; consistent or steady. For instance, You are was as reliable as the sun. You are a safe and reliable man.
  • Sincere: This is a kind word to describe someone who is open and genuine; not deceitful. Eg, She has a sincere interest in painting.


There are more kind words out there but I just choose to mention these ones. You can explore more of these words on the internet. The truth is, the kinder we are to ourselves, the more easily, the more natural, and more sincerely we will say kind words to someone. Passionate words can never die, it’s true. They are not forgotten. Many people to whom you have said a kind word will always remember you.

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