A good research skill will enable you to complete essays, assignments, assessments, term papers, and research projects effectively on time. Good research skills are really vital as it will benefit your studies. Let’s quickly look at what research is all about

What is Research?
According to the dictionary definition, research is the investigation into the study of materials and sources to establish new conclusions.

Steps to accomplish research tasks

  • Check your sources
  • Evaluate your sources
  • Increase sources of information
  • Avoid plagiarism
  • Be organized

Check your sources
It is important to check your sources because the information from untrusted sources can be detrimental and can also result in low grades. Use reliable and trustworthy sources. Avoid sources such as forums, social networks, and Wikipedia; anyone can post, change and share false information on these websites.

Evaluate your sources
Read through all the materials you have gathered and try to determine which one will be your core resource. Don’t waste time reading the contents of every book. Identify which chapters or sections of your source material are relevant to your argument and focus on it. hint: Write your research paper as you go through your source materials

Increase your sources of information
Don’t limit your source of information to justify the use of sources like Google or other online research projects repositories. Other offline sources such as library materials, textbooks, news articles, and documentation should be well explored. These sources can enrich and strengthen your research. Giving your different perspectives and varying information.

Avoid plagiarism
Plagiarism is simply the act of stealing someone’s information and using it as your own. This can lead to copyright issues, lawsuits, and failing your research. If you inevitably have to use someone else’s words in your content, be sure to thoroughly paraphrase them using a paraphrasing tool. That way, it will not be recognized as plagiarism

Be Organized
Conducting research can be painstaking, agitating, and stressful due to limitations such as inadequate sources of information and a short time frame. To overcome these situations you need a research plan.

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