Enlightening Quotes

A great quote encapsulates an idea or thought, it can clarify, enlighten or inspire. A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer

71 Fed up unappreciated quotes

Life has its ups and downs. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, it feels like the world just doesn’t notice or… Read More »71 Fed up unappreciated quotes

50 Unappreciated treated bad quotes

Feeling unappreciated is a universal emotion that everyone encounters at some stage in their lives. These “Unappreciated treated bad quotes”… Read More »50 Unappreciated treated bad quotes

10 unusual ways to say happy birthday

Birthdays come around once a year, signaling another trip around the sun. For many of us, it’s a day of… Read More »10 unusual ways to say happy birthday

50 Mood Snapchat Quotes (Pick Any)

Life can be quite the rollercoaster (unexpected ups and downs) and we all have those moments when we’re feeling happy,… Read More »50 Mood Snapchat Quotes (Pick Any)

80 Powerful Tuesday Morning Blessings

Tuesday Morning Blessings refer to positive messages, quotes, or expressions of hope and goodwill that people share at the start… Read More »80 Powerful Tuesday Morning Blessings

45 Monday Morning Blessings (Prayers, Bible Verse, Wishes)

Mondays mark the beginning of a new week, and are sometimes associated with a feeling commonly referred to as “Monday… Read More »45 Monday Morning Blessings (Prayers, Bible Verse, Wishes)

50+ One-Worded Instagram Captions

Instagram Captions are used to provide context, express feelings, share thoughts, add humor, or provide additional information about a post.… Read More »50+ One-Worded Instagram Captions

100 Funny Relatable Quotes

As humans, we face challenges every day. These challenges can be draining, and overwhelming sometimes and could weigh heavily on… Read More »100 Funny Relatable Quotes

100 Funny, Sad, Sweet, Inspirational Throwback Thursday Quotes

Looking through your phone and seeing your throwback pictures and videos can fill you with so much nostalgia. Remembering the… Read More »100 Funny, Sad, Sweet, Inspirational Throwback Thursday Quotes

100 Heart Felt Sorry For Your Loss Messages

When someone loses a friend or family member, dealing with the loss can be very difficult. In times like these,… Read More »100 Heart Felt Sorry For Your Loss Messages