Florida A&M University majors and acceptance rate
Located in the South region of the United States, Florida A&M University (FAMU) is one of nine institutions in the State University System. In 2008, Diverse Issues in Higher Education cited FAMU as the #1 producer of African-Americans baccalaureate degree holders. Additional accolades include being named “College of the Year” in 1997 by Time Magazine Princeton Review and being named the No. 1 institution for African Americans in 2007 by Black Enterprise magazine.
While the University continues its historic mission of educating African Americans, persons of all races, ethnic origins, and nationalities are welcomed and encouraged to remain lifelong members of the university community. The University, through its diverse faculty and staff, provides a caring, nurturing, collegial and respectful environment.
Is Florida A&M University hard to get into?
The acceptance rate at Florida A&M University is 33%. For every 100 applicants, 33 are admitted. This means the school is highly selective; hard to get into. You have a great chance of getting accepted if you meet Florida A&M University’s requirements for GPA, SAT/ACT scores, and other application components.
Is Florida A&M University a good school?
Florida A&M University is a good school that is committed to inspirational teaching through creative partnerships at the local, state, national, and global levels. The University is also committed to the resolution of complex issues that will enhance humankind.
What is Florida A&M University known for?
Florida A&M University is known for being the #1 producer of African-Americans baccalaureate degree holders. FAMU is also known to provide an enlightened and enriched academic, intellectual, moral, cultural, ethical, technological, and student-centered environment, conducive to the development of highly qualified individuals who are prepared and capable of serving as leaders and contributors in our ever-evolving society.
Is Florida A&M University a party school?
Yes. Florida A&M University is a party school.
The followings are popular majors at Florida A&M University:
- Health services/allied health/health sciences
- Multi, /interdisciplinary studies
- Business administration and management
- Criminal justice/safety studies
- Psychology
- Registered nursing/registered nurse
- Biology/biological sciences
- Social work
- Political science and government
- Journalism
- Architecture
- Health/health care administration/management
- Public relations/image management
- Sociology
- Computer and information sciences
- Information technology
- Music
- Graphic design
- Accounting
- Agriculture
- Health and physical education/fitness
- Drama and dramatics/theatre arts
- Respiratory care therapy/therapist
- Elementary education and teaching
- Economics
- Agribusiness/agricultural business operations
- English language and literature
- Food science
- Environmental studies
- Construction engineering technology/technician
- Chemistry
- Health information/medical records administration/administrator
- Agricultural engineering
- Computer engineering
- African, american/black studies
- Chemical engineering
- Electrical, electronic and communications
- Engineering technology
- Philosophy and religious studies
- Civil engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Industrial engineering
- History
- Environmental science
- Secondary education and teaching
- Music teacher education
- Electrical and electronics engineering
- Fine/studio arts
- Physics
- Logistics, materials, and supply chain management