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Organs and Functions of O.A.U

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[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1626271471815{background-color: #e5e5e5 !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Subject: Government
Topic: Organs and functions of O.A.U
Class: Senior (SS3)
Term: First Term (Week 9)
Suitable For: Students & Teachers
Description: This topic has 1 lesson. Students preparing for Government examination (WAEC/NECO/GCE) are advised to read ahead without been limited by a timetable. However, Government class teachers should teach this topic within 1 week depending on your school timetable or schedule.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text][joli-toc][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1626246114000{background-color: #f9f9f9 !important;border-radius: 5px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Lesson 1


  1. Assembly of Heads of States and Government
  2. The Council of Ministers
  3. The General Secretariat
  4. The Commission for Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration


The Assembly of Heads of States and Government: The Assembly of heads of states and government is the supreme and most powerful organ of the organization. It is the highest decision making machinery of the Organization. This organ is made up of Heads of States of all member States. The organ meets once a year but an extraordinary meeting can be convened if approved by a two-thirds majority of its member States.



  1. Appointment of Secretary-General: It is the function of the Assembly of Heads of States and Government to appoint the Secretary-General of the organization.
  2. Admission of New Members: The Assembly of Heads of States and Government decide on the admission of new members States into the organization.
  3. Amendment of the Charter: It is the duty of the Assembly of Heads of States to approve proposals for any amendment to the charter of the organization.
  4. Coordination of Policies: The Assembly of heads of State discusses issues of common interest to Africa so as to coordinate and harmonize the general policy of the organization.
  5. The body reviews the structures, functions and activities of all the organs and specialized agencies created by the organization.
  6. The organ also has the duty of looking into the problems of members states and helps to settle such problems.
  7. The body appoints an ad-hoc committee to settle disputes involving member nations.


Council Of Ministers

The council consists of foreign affairs Ministers of member States or such other ministers as may be determined by a member state. It prepares the agenda for the meeting of the Assembly of Heads of States and Government and implements the decision of the Assembly. It also prepares the annual budget of the organization. The council meets twice a year but can hold extraordinary meetings if approved by a two-thirds majority of member states.



  1. The council prepares the agenda for the meeting of the Assembly of Heads of States and Government.
  2. The council approves the budget of the organization.
  3. It implements the decision of the Assembly
  4. The council makes recommendation to the Assembly for the appointment of Secretary General of the organization.
  5. The council recommends a new independent state to the Assembly for admission into the organization.
  6. The council is responsible to the Assembly and deals with all matters referred to it by the Assembly.
  7. The council is responsible for coordinating and harmonizing inter-African cooperation.
  8. It prepares the annual budget of the organization.


The General Secretariat

The General Secretariat is the administrative headquarters of O.A.U and it is located at the organization’s headquarters in Addis Ababa. The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary-General, who is assisted by crops of Staff. The Secretary-General is appointed by the Assembly of Heads of States and Government on the recommendation of the Council of Ministers for a period of three years subject to re-election.



  1. The General secretariat carries out all the administrative work of the organization.
  2. This body prepares a programme or agenda for the meeting of the Council of Ministers.
  3. It supervises and executes the decisions of the Council of Ministers
  4. The secretariat prepares the annual report on the activities of the organization.
  5. The secretariat has the duty of circulating news to member states of the organization.
  6. It prepares the annual budget of the organization for the approval of the Council of Ministers.
  7. The Secretariat controls the finance of the organization
  8. The facilities needed for all meetings of the organization are provided by the secretariat.



This commission is responsible for the peaceful settlement of disputes between member states. It was set up in 1965 and has twenty members elected by the Assembly from a list submitted by the Secretary-General. This commission sits at Addis Ababa in Ethiopia and it has a President, Vice President and a registrar. In addition to this commission, O.A.U has other specialized agencies which carry out different functions and they include;

  1. The Economic and Social Commission
  2. The Educational and Cultural Commission
  3. Health Commission
  4. The Defense Commission
  5. Scientific, technical and Research Commission

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  1. State five functions of the Council of Minister of O.A.U
  2. Give five functions of the Secretary General of O.A.U

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