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The Achievement and Problems of OAU

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[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1626271471815{background-color: #e5e5e5 !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Subject: Government
Topic: The Achievement and Problems of OAU
Class: Senior (SS3)
Term: First Term (Week 10)
Suitable For: Students & Teachers
Description: This topic has 1 lesson. Students preparing for Government examination (WAEC/NECO/GCE) are advised to read ahead without been limited by a timetable. However, Government class teachers should teach this topic within 1 week depending on your school timetable or schedule.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text][joli-toc][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1626246114000{background-color: #f9f9f9 !important;border-radius: 5px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Lesson 1


The achievements of O.A.U include the following:

  1. Resolution of Conflict: The O.A.U facilitates the peaceful resolution of conflicts among member states. Indeed it has encouraged the peaceful resolution of conflict among member states, such as Somalia and Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda etc.
  2. Eradication of Colonialism and Apartheid: The O.A.U played an important role in bringing colonialism and apartheid to an end in the continent. It did not only condemn them but also supported liberation movements in countries like Zimbabwe and Angola.
  3. Economic Cooperation: The O.A.U encourages economic cooperation among member states. The African Development Bank (A.D.B.) which renders assistance to member states is one of the economic initiatives of O.A.U.
  4. Promotion of African Culture: The O.A.U supports efforts to project African culture to the outside world. The Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC) is a point in time.
  5. Settlement of Refugees: O.A.U provides refuge for people displaced by war and environmental disaster. Such assistance includes the provision of relief materials to the refugees.
  6. Common Voice: On some issues, the O.A.U has provided an opportunity for a common position in the international arena. Such issues like trade and disarmament have attracted common and uniform stand by African countries speaking through O.A.U.
  7. It provides African leaders with a forum for discussion on issues of importance to Africa and the entire world.
  8. A.U in collaboration with other international organizations like U.N.O has contributed to world peace and security.



  1. Financial Problem: One of the major problems facing O.A.U since its inception is financial problems. Activities of O.A.U have been impeded by insufficient funds. Some member states default in their contributions. This has over the years hindered the execution of many O.A.U resolutions.
  2. Political Instability: Constant change of leadership result in policy changes and this affects the degree of support for the organization’s decisions.
  3. Economic Dependence: Although members of the O.A.U are politically independent, economically, they are not free from external control and this forced them to depend on economically advanced nations. This economic dependence which is the aftermath of colonialism makes member states dance to the tune of foreign nations at the expense of O.A.U.
  4. External Influence: Many African countries are still attached to their formal colonial powers. Sometimes there is divided loyalty by the member nations to the O.A.U and their formal colonial masters.
  5. Lack of a Standing Army: The organization has had no standing army since its 26thyears of birth. The organization can not fight colonialism and apartheid because of this problem.
  6. Inter-State Rivalry and Suspicion: Sometimes there is a supremacy struggle between leaders and different motives are read to suggested proposals.
  7. Persistent Conflict: The frequent and recurrent wars and serious conflict between and within states shows that the organization has not been very effective in guaranteeing peace and security in the continent.
  8. Linguistic Problem: Language barriers tend to slow down any effective means of communication adopted by the organization this leads to its failure in so many ways.
  9. Religious Difference: Member-states of O.A.U belong to different religious beliefs and this has equally turned into two parallel lines that can never meet on any issue. This religious difference has also caused a lot of conflicts within and between member-states of the organization.
  10. Poverty: Most member states of O.A.U are very poor and they depend on foreign powers. Therefore, there is the tendency for these African states to be more loyal to those foreign powers than the O.A.U itself.

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  1. Explain external control as one of the problems of O.A.U.
  2. How has economic dependence hindered the success of O.A.U?
  3. Identify the specialized agencies of O.A.U.

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