The Out of Office Message on Outlook is one of the less used, most essential tools within the email systems of Microsoft. It is primarily used to inform senders that the recipient is currently unavailable to respond to their message. Out of Office Message automatically sends a pre-defined message to the sender, indicating that though their message has been received, the recipient may not be able to reply due to absence.

Aside from maintaining professional courtesy and effective communication, there are other valid reasons to use this Out of Office Message. Here are a few reasons:

  1. Absence from work: This includes vacations, sick leaves, or any personal days off where you won’t be checking your emails.
  2. Business trips: When you’re traveling for business, your response to emails might be delayed and it is wise to turn on this feature
  3. Holidays: As holidays are synonymous to rest, checking your emails may not be comfortable, thus, making it a suitable time to set an auto-reply.
  4. Meetings and Conferences: During long meetings or conferences, setting an out-of-office message can be helpful to manage expectations about prompt replies.
  5. After Business Hours: You might set an auto-reply message for emails received outside of your standard working hours.

Benefits of Office Message on Outlook

As mentioned before, Out of Office Messages on Outlook are an excellent tool for maintaining open lines of communication, with several key benefits:

  1. Maintains Professionalism
  2. Sets Expectations
  3. Reduces Stress
  4. Minimizes Potential Miscommunication:

Despite their numerous benefits, Out of Office Messages have some serious concerns about their usage:

  1. Spam Risk: Auto-replies can confirm the validity of your email address to spammers, which can lead to more spam emails.
  2. Misinformation: If not updated timely, an out-of-office message can lead to confusion or misinformation about your availability.


Sample 1: Out-of-Office Message on Outlook

A sample of an Out of Office message might look like this:

Subject: Out of Office: [Your Name]

Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will not be checking email until [date of return]. If your message requires an immediate response, please contact [alternative contact person and their email address]. Otherwise, I will respond to your email as soon as possible upon my return. Thank you for your understanding.


Sample 2: Vacation Out of Office Message on Outlook

Subject: Out of Office: [Your Name]


Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office on vacation and will not be checking email until [date of return]. If your message requires immediate attention, please forward it to [alternative contact person and their email address]. I appreciate your patience and will respond to your message promptly upon my return.

Best regards, [Your Name]


Sample 3: Extended Absence Out of Office Message on Outlook

Subject: Out of Office: [Your Name]


I appreciate your message. Please note that I am currently away from the office for an extended period and will not be checking email until [date of return]. For any urgent matters, please contact [alternative contact person and their email address]. Thank you for your understanding, and I will respond to your email as soon as I am able.

Kind regards, [Your Name]


Sample 4: Absence from Work Out of Office Message on Outlook

Subject: Out of Office: [Your Name]


Thank you for reaching out. I am currently away from work for personal reasons and will not be checking my email until [date of return]. For immediate assistance, please contact [alternative contact person and their email address]. I appreciate your understanding and will respond to your message upon my return.

Best regards, [Your Name]


Sample 5: Holiday Out of Office Message on Outlook

Subject: Out of Office: [Your Name]


I appreciate your email. I am currently out of the office for the holiday season, with limited access to email until [date of return]. If your message requires immediate attention, please forward it to [alternative contact person and their email address]. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and I look forward to responding to your message when I return.

Happy Holidays, [Your Name]



The Out of Office Message feature in Outlook is a valuable tool for maintaining professionalism and open communication during periods of absence. However, like all tools, it must be used appropriately to be effective. If you are new to Out of Office Messages on Outlook. Check this link on how to send it

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