Maybe you are a business owner, trying to introduce your products and services to more people to increase your sales. In this case, we suggest that you consider advertising on Instagram among your options.


Why should we advertise on Instagram?

Instagram has countless users, nowadays you hardly find anyone who does not have a page on Instagram. In addition, Instagram is free and provides a space where users spend their free time. So, what platform do you know that is better than Instagram for effective and affordable advertising?

However, advertising on Instagram is not as simple as this, because Instagram, like many social networks, insists on keeping its users from free promotional, advertising, and bulk activities; Therefore, Instagram has imposed some limitations on the activities, making it difficult to advertise in this space.

In the following, we will introduce you to different methods of advertising on Instagram.


Types of Advertising on Instagram

Below we will introduce you to some of the most important methods of advertising in Instagram.

1. Influencer Advertising

Influencers work in a specific field and are famous figures in cyberspace. An influencer can be an artist, blogger, comedian, actor, etc.

Now suppose a relatively popular person on Instagram recommends your product or service to others.

A lot of their audience and fans refer to your page. Even if these people do not become your customers now, they will most likely become your customers in the future. Although in influencer advertising, many people get to know your business, one of the significant disadvantages of this method is its high cost.

2. per Visit Ads

In this method, you ask a page for a particular number of visits and the page owner will delete your ad when the number of views reaches that number. The thing that appeals to many people about this type of advertising is its cost-effectiveness because you only pay for the number of views.

But note that, the advertisement here is not targeted and does not result in significant growth.

3. Sponsored Instagram Ads

Sponsored Ads is an option for business accounts on Instagram that allows businesses to advertise their posts and content on Instagram for a fee. These ads are displayed in the audience’s feed, story or explorer. Sponsored Instagram advertising is a lot of trouble and requires skill in campaign optimization so that you can get the best results. In sponsored advertising, if you don’t manage your budget properly, you will lose your money in a short time.

4. Send Advertising DMs in Instagram

In this method, you send DMs to people on Instagram. To advertise by sending DMs in Instagram, you will face many challenges, which will be explained in the following.

Instagram Rules for Sending DMs

Instagram divides the people to whom you want to send a DM into two categories

People who follow you (familiar people)
People who don’t follow you (strangers)

There are no restrictions on sending DMs to familiar people, and as long as your followers (to whom you send direct messages) do not report or block you, Instagram will not have a problem with it. That is, Instagram assumes that you are responding or interacting with people who already know you and have followed you.

On the other hand, Instagram is very strict about people who are strangers, that is, those who don’t follow you, so sometimes it doesn’t allow you to send DMs to more than 10 strangers a day!

But there is an interesting way using which you can send a large number of DMs per day, even with this limitation.

Use an Automated Tool to Send DMs on Instagram

Before you get to know the tricks you can use to bypass Instagram limits, you need a find an automated tool to send DMs because you cannot send DMs to a large number of people manually.

What we mean by the tool is some software that can automatically send the message text to the list of Instagram usernames of your target audience!

Here we introduce you to one of the best software programs that are internationally popular: “vUser Instagram bulk DM sender“, whose description on the website will give you a better understanding of how it works and what features it has. There is also a demo version of this software that you can try. Therefore, here we refrain from offering any more details about it.


Tricks to Bypass Instagram Restrictions on Sending Bulk DMs

As we said, Instagram is very sensitive about sending DMs to strangers, and sometimes it doesn’t allow you to send DMs to more than 10 strangers in a day. Bypassing this restriction is only possible by having multiple accounts (pages). It means that you create a large number of pages and advertise your main page by sending a number of DMs to your target audience using these accounts.

Creating Instagram accounts is not that difficult and you can even buy pre-made Instagram accounts for a cheap price. The main issue is that the Bulk Instagram DM Sender has the ability to connect to a large number of funds so that it can automatically send a number of DMs by each account and switch to the next account and continue this process on a massive scale.


Wrapping Up

Advertising is a good way to increase the number of your followers and grow your sales, but it is not the only way. First of all, try to create valuable and attractive content on your page for the audience. Then, by hashtags, writing captions, publishing posts at the right time, etc., gradually attract your potential customers. To advertise, it is better that you have an acceptable number of followers. Especially if you have a business page because people trust and get attracted to pages with high followers

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