𓆉 symbol is a mark or character used as a conventional representation of a freshwater turtle. You can copy and paste anywhere. The Unicode Character for 𓆉 is U+13189
𓆉 is an animal symbol, and as such, we have listed other similar animal 𓆉 symbols that can be copied and pasted within seconds and it works perfectly on popular word processors such as OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Pages (word processor), Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint. Simply double-click on an alphabet symbol to copy it to the clipboard and paste it anywhere.
𓆉 Symbols Copy and Paste
Animal Symbol | Animal Symbol Meaning |
𓆉 | Turtle |
𓃱 | Giraffe |
𓃯 | Hippopotamus |
𓄁 | Hippopotamus head |
𓃬 | lion |
𓃰 | Elephant |
𓆞 | Elephant-snout fish |
𓃻 | Baboon |
𓃷 | Baboon |
𓆑 | Viper |
𓆒 | Horned viper crawling out of the enclosure |
𓃭 | Lying lion |
𓃸 | Monkey |
𓃵 | Ibex |
𓃗 | Horse |
𓃘 | Donkey |
𓃙 | Kid |
𓃚 | kid jumping |
𓃟 | Pig |
𓄀 | Charging ox head |
𓃜 | Mature bovine lying down |
𓃞 | Ram |
𓃒 | Bull |
𓃓 | Bull charging |
𓃔 | Calf |
𓃖 | Cow suckling calf |
𓃡 | Dog |
𓃮 | Panther |
𓆇 | Egg |
𓆈 | Gecko |
𓆌 | Crocodile |
𓆍 | Image of crocodile |
𓆏 | Frog |
𓆗 | Cobra |
𓆖 | Combination of cobra |
𓆕 | Two cobras |
𓅒𓆖 | Vulture and cobra on a basket |
𓆚 | Snake |
𓆐 | Tadpole |
𓆤 | Bee |
𓆥 | Combination of bee |
𓆦 | Fly |
𓆨 | Centipede |
𓆡 | Puffer |
𓆠 | Fish scale |
𓆟 | Petrocephalus bane |
𓆝 | Mullet |
𓆜 | Barbel |
𓆧 | Locust |
𓆛 | Tilapia |
𓆢 | Catfish |
𓄿 | Egyptian vulture |
𓅁 | Combination of Egyptian vulture and sickle |
𓅀 | Two Egyptian vultures |
𓅑 | Combination of vulture and flagellum |
𓅑 | Combination of vulture and flagellum |
𓆂 | Head of vulture |
𓅐 | Vulture |
𓅃 | Falcon |
𓅏 | Image of falcon with two plumes |
𓅌 | Image of falcon |
𓅋 | Falcon in Sokar barque |
𓅊 | Falcon with sun |
𓅉 | Falcon on collar |
𓅈 | Falcon on boat |
𓅇 | Falcon on boat |
𓅆 | Falcon |
𓅅 | Falcon in basket |
𓅄 | Combination of falcon and flaggellum |
𓅓 | Owl |
𓅔 | Two owls |
𓅘 | Guinea-fowl |
𓅙 | Hoopoe |
𓅚 | Lapwing |
𓅦 | Ostrich |
𓅧 | Cormorant |
𓅨 | Swallow |
𓅷 | Duckling |
𓅹 | Three ducklings in pool |
𓅸 | Three ducklings in nest |
𓆃 | Bird wing |
𓆆 | Bird claw |
𓆁 | Head of spoonbill |
𓆀 | Head of crested bird |
𓅾 | Plucked bird |
𓅽 | Bird with bowl with smoke |
𓅼 | Goose picking up grain |
𓅻 | Bird pecking at fish |
𓅺 | Two plovers |
𓅶 | Quail chick and sickle |
𓅵 | Quail chick and forearm with conical loaf |
𓅴 | Quail chick and forearm |
𓅳 | Two quail chicks |
𓅲 | Quail chick and flat loaf |
𓅱 | Quail chick |
𓅰 | Widgeon |
𓅱 | Quail chick |
𓅰 | Widgeon |
𓅿 | Head of pintail |
𓅯 | Pintail alighting |
𓅮 | Pintail flying |
𓅭 | Pintail |
𓅬 | Goose |
𓅫 | Sparrow |
𓅨 | Swallow |
𓅥 | Cattle |
𓅤 | Heron on perch |
𓅢 | Three saddle-billed storks |
𓅡 | Saddle-billed stork |
𓅠 | Glossy ibis |
𓅞 | Sacred Ibis |
𓅝 | Sacred Ibis on standard |
𓅜 | Northern bald ibis |
𓅛 | Lapwing with twisted wings |
𓅚 | Lapwing |
𓅙 | Hoopoe |
𓅘 | Guinea-fowl |
𓅗 | Owl and mouth |
𓅖 | Owl and forearm |
𓅕 | Owl and forearm with conical loaf |
𓄂 | Forepart of lion |
𓃛 | Newborn hartebeest |
𓄃 | Hartebeest head |
𓃕 | Sacred cow |
𓃢 | Lying canine |