MLA Citation

MLA citation format for book with multiple authors

Learn about the different ways to cite a book with multiple authors using MLA 8th edition format. Short quotation, long quotation, paraphrase, indirect quotes etc…

12 Easy MLA Citation formats for book with one Author

Learn about the different ways to cite a book with one author using MLA 8th edition format. Short quotation, long quotation, paraphrase, indirect quotes etc…

MLA citation format for website, web page and blog

Learn about the different ways to cite a website with or without author using MLA 8th edition format. Short quotation, long quotation, paraphrase, indirect quotes etc…

Easy MLA citation format for Poem

Learn about the different ways to cite a poem using MLA 8th edition format. Short quotation, long quotation, paraphrase, indirect quotes etc…

MLA citation format for Newspaper (in print and online)

Learn about the different ways to cite a Newspaper using MLA 8th edition format. Short quotation, long quotation, paraphrase, indirect quotes etc…