Is Biological Sciences a good major?

Yes, Biological Sciences is a good major for those who want to develop a broad understanding of the nature of living things, from molecules and cells, organisms and populations, to communities and biomes. Do you like the idea of fieldwork, but also working in a lab? Well, by studying Biology you can do both. Unlike specific biology disciplines, studying Biological Sciences allows you to do both; one week you can put on a lab coat and look at cells in a microscope, and the following week put on your boots and explore nature.

Thus Biological Sciences major offers students more flexibility in their career paths. By not focusing on one specific discipline, biology majors are able to learn about all aspects of biology, like ecology, to cells, to marine life.



Is Biological Sciences a hard major?

Yes. Biological Sciences is a hard major but when compared to other STEM majors (chemistry, physics), it is less complicated. Most students find a biology degree difficult to pursue because it has an extensive syllabus, lots of lab work, several challenging concepts, unfamiliar vocabulary, and lots of things to memorize


Biological Sciences major salary

Biological Sciences is a good major in the United States with an unlimited number of job roles to explore. There is no standard salary for any Biological Sciences jobs. Your salary also depends on if you’re working in the private or public sector. The national average salary for a Biological Sciences major in the U.S. is $53k – $117k



Some classes Biological Sciences majors may likely take:

  • Cell Biology
  • Plant Biology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Epidemiology
  • Field Ecology
  • Biochemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Statistics
  • Microbiology
  • Ecology & Evolution



What other majors are related to Biological Sciences?


Course difficult 62%  ℹ️
Acceptance rate 64% ℹ️
Relevance metric 100%  ℹ️
Job availability 100%
Estimated number of student Nil
Colleges with Biological Sciences Majors 500+ ℹ️ See schools here


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