Is Criminology a good major?

Yes, Criminology is a good major for those students who want a career in law enforcement but one that’s more scientific and research-oriented. Typically, undergraduate students who major in criminology are those with an interest in various disciplines such as psychology, sociology, biology and law. They are also usually those who like thinking critically and solving problems as well as learning and applying various investigative techniques.

This major focuses on the systematic study of crime as a sociopathological phenomenon, the behavior of criminals, and the social institutions that evolved to respond to crime. Includes instruction in the theory of crime, psychological and social bases of criminal behavior, social value systems and the theory of punishment, criminal law and criminal justice systems, penology, rehabilitation and recidivism, studies of specific types of crime, social attitudes and policy, and applications to specific issues in law enforcement administration and policy.



Is Criminology a hard major?

Yes. Criminology is a hard major and mentally tough particularly in psychology and sociology. The major also includes classes in math courses, particularly in statistics, calculus, and data analytics. Additionally, studying crimes and deviant behavior – and subsequently practicing in the field – can be mentally tough, so prospective criminology majors should ensure that they care for their own mental health



Criminology major salary

Criminology is a good major in the United States with an unlimited number of job roles to explore. There is no standard salary for any Criminology jobs. Your salary also depends on if you’re working in the private or public sector. The national average salary for a Criminology major in the U.S. is $46,597



Some classes Criminology majors may likely take:

  • Criminal Justice
  • Criminology
  • White Collar Crime
  • Victimology
  • Crimes against Humanity
  • Religion and Crime
  • Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • The Individual and Society
  • Communities and Crime
  • Crime Victimization and the Media
  • Punishment and Punitiveness
  • Criminal Justice Administration
  • Criminal Justice and Public Policy
  • Human Behavior
  • Criminal and Delinquent Behavior
  • Violence in America
  • Minorities, Crime, and Social Policy
  • Women, Crime, and Justice
  • Crime and Victim Services
  • Corrections
  • Law Enforcement
  • Law and Ethics in Victim Services
  • Juvenile Justice
  • The Courts
  • Law, Society, and the Administration of Justice
  • Individual Rights and the Criminal Justice System
  • Substantive Criminal Law
  • Courts and Social Policy
  • Foundations of Research and Inquiry
  • Public and Private Security



What other majors are related to Criminology?



Course difficult 50%  ℹ️
Acceptance rate 87% ℹ️
Relevance metric 100%  ℹ️
Job availability 80%
Estimated number of student Nil
Colleges with Criminology Majors 100+ ℹ️ See schools here


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