College of the Atlantic Programs & Acceptance

College of the Atlantic majors and acceptance rate

Located in the Northwest region of the United States, College of the Atlantic enriches the liberal arts tradition through a distinctive educational philosophy — human Ecology. A human ecological perspective integrates knowledge from all academic disciplines and from personal experience to investigate, and ultimately improve, the relationships between human beings and our social and natural communities.



Is College of the Atlantic hard to get into?

The acceptance rate at the College of the Atlantic is 76%. For every 100 applicants, 76 are admitted. This means the school is not selective; not hard to get into. The selection process for students is based on outstanding academic achievement, innovation, and curiosity.



Is College of the Atlantic a good school?

College of the Atlantic is a good school that encourages, prepares, and expects students to gain expertise, breadth, values, and practical experience necessary to achieve individual fulfillment and to help solve problems that challenge communities everywhere



What is College of the Atlantic known for?

College of the Atlantic is known for being the greenest college in America. COA has been repeatedly recognized for its college-wide commitment to ecological practices.



Is College of the Atlantic a party school?

No, College of the Atlantic is not a party school.



What major is College of the Atlantic known for?

  • Biomedical Studies & Molecular Biology
  • Climate Change & Energy
  • Community Planning & Ecological Policy
  • Culture & Place
  • Educational Studies
  • Environmental Law & Politics
  • Ethnography & Documentary
  • Farming & Food Systems
  • Field Ecology & Natural History
  • Gender & Identity Studies
  • International Studies
  • Languages
  • Literature & Writing
  • Marine Science
  • Mathematics & Physical Sciences
  • Mind, Meaning, & Consciousness
  • Performance & Music
  • Sustainable Business
  • Visual Arts & Design

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