Courses Under Islamic Studies Degree

On this article, I am going to list out some Islamic Studies course outlines in Nigeria Universities which you will study before you can to become a graduate of Islamic Studies. Normally, a course outline should contain; course name, course description, course hours etc… but I am going to skip that information and go straight to Islamic Studies subjects for university students.

I will only list out the course names excluding  GST Courses and those courses with part II and III to avoid too much information. There is no guarantee that the listed Islamic Studies subjects (courses) will be fully covered in your school because universities in Nigeria does not use a uniform curriculum.

Nevertheless, you will study 97% of Islamic Studies courses listed here.
The following Islamic Studies courses listed here do not follow the traditional course structure and they have been arranged in alphabetical order. Notwithstanding, the list here covers 100 level courses, 200 level courses 300 courses and 400 level courses.

The following are the list of Core Islamic Studies Courses

  • Advanced Studies on the Qur’an
  • Advanced Study of Salat and Zakat
  • Advanced Study of Sawm and Hajj
  • Al-Hud?d: Penal System of the Shar?‘ah
  • Al-M?r?th : Islamic Law of Succession
  • Al-Mu’?mal?t in the Shariah
  • Arabic Conversation
  • Arabic Grammar I
  • Arabic Literature I
  • Arabic Reading
  • Arabic Rhetoric
  • As-Sirah: Biography of the Prophet Muhammad
  • Basic Arabic
  • Comparative Study of Religions
  • Contribution of West African Scholars to Islamic Thought
  • Exegesis of the Quran
  • Fundamentals of Peace Studies & Conflict Resolutions
  • General Introduction to Islam
  • Ilm ‘l-Kalam and Development of Muslim Firaq
  • Introduction to Arabic Morphology
  • Introduction to Islamic Theology
  • Introduction to Public Administration
  • Introduction to Ta?awwuf
  • Introduction to Tajwid
  • Introduction to the Shariah
  • Introduction to World Religions
  • Islam and Inter-Religious Dialogue
  • Islam in Nigeria
  • Islam in North Africa and Spain
  • Islam’s Contributions to Civilization
  • Islamic Family Law
  • Islamic Historiography
  • Islamic Law of Wasiyyah and Waqf
  • Islamic Philosophy
  • Islamic Political Institutions
  • Islamic Social System
  • Islamic Studies and Orientalism
  • Major Sufi Orders in Africa
  • Modern Reform Movement
  • Mosque in Islam
  • Perception and Conflict
  • Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
  • Prophethood and the Prophets in Islam
  • Qur’anic Ethics
  • Research Methods
  • Shari‘ah in Modern Time
  • Sociology of Crime and Delinquency
  • Studies on the Hadith
  • Studies on the Qur’an
  • Tafs?r: Exegesis of Selected Passages of the Qur’an on Current Issues
  • Tanslation: Eng/Arabic
  • Textual Studies of Hadith
  • Textual Study of Qur’an II
  • Textual Study of the Quran
  • The Abbasid Caliphate
  • The Good Study Guide
  • The Rightly Guided Caliphs and the Umayyads
  • Translation (Arabic – English)
  • Use of English & Communication Skills I
  • Women in Islam

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