How to read online and earn real money

If I’d told you, that you could earn money passively by reading news headlines and inviting friends would believe and would you want to be a part of it? The time you spend reading news and other online content can also be used to earn some money.

Newsgregate is a news aggregating website that encourages news reading by rewarding members with virtual coins called dCoins (which can be converted to real money). The website also rewards members with N1,500 when they invite others to read.

With over 3000 followers on Facebook, Newsgregate is becoming popular amongst students and avid readers. Unlike other similar websites, Newsgregate does not require any form of engagement except reading news headings daily and also inviting people.

You will be rewarded with 1000 dCoins when you become a member.
You will be rewarded with 200 dCoins when you log in once per day.
You will be rewarded with 50 dCoins multiple times daily for visiting different news topics.
The 700 dCoins is the maximum you will be rewarded daily.

Aside from dCoins, you will be rewarded with referral earnings for every single person you invite to Newsgregate. If the person you invited becomes a member, you will be rewarded with N1,500 and there is no limit to the number of people you can invite.

On your dashboard, your dCoins and referral earnings are automatically converted to loyalty rewards which you can cash out.

Unfortunately, Newsgregate is a strict members-only website. Except if you are referred by someone through their link, you won’t be able to register on the site. Here is my membership link use it to access the site.

Moreover, you will also be required to purchase a PIN code before you can complete your registration. The PIN code is just N2000. Compare to what you stand to earn, you shouldn’t be deterred by the N2000.

See my dashboard below.


If you have any questions, you can follow the prompts guide of the WhatsApp or FAQ as seen on the website. You can also leave a question on this page comment section.

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