Is Anthropology a good major?

Is Anthropology a good major?

Are you curious about people? Do you want to learn about human diversity and how linguistics, culture, biology, and history impact behaviors and ideas? Anthropology is a good major if you want to learn about the world and about yourself. Anthropology is a bad major for an immediate career.

Anthropology is a special interest major for those considering careers in including education, health care, museum curation, social work, international development, government, organizational psychology, non-profit management, marketing, publishing, and forensics. There isn’t a huge demand on the market for jobs specific to Anthropologist.

Anthropology is concerned with how humans and human societies evolve, the differences and similarities among human cultures, and with the cultural and biological basis for human behavior. It integrates a wide range of perspectives on human behavior, culture, and society. Students will become familiar with the basic concerns of four sub-fields of anthropology: archaeology, physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, and anthropological linguistics.

Advice: You should minored in Anthropology and majored in something more useful in the job market.


Is Anthropology a hard major?

No. Anthropology is not a hard major. It only requires a lot of reading and creative thinking. The student of anthropology has to be willing and able to move beyond the “common sense what everybody knows approach” to the world, and begin to understand that culture is something that affects your understanding of what and where you are every moment.

Career opportunities in Anthropology:

What can I do after Anthropology? There is a wide range of future career options in many sectors. Anthropology graduates work for the government and in the private sector, for non-profit organizations, environmental organizations, and in international development

  • Clinical research coordination.
  • Human resources.
  • Intercultural communication.
  • International trade.
  • Lobbyist.
  • Market research.
  • Medical anthropology.
  • Charity officer
  • Community development worker
  • International aid/development worker
  • Local government officer
  • Market researcher
  • Social researcher

Some classes Anthropology majors may likely take:

  • Biology.
  • Evolution.
  • Archaeology
  • Physical Anthropology
  • Cultural Anthropology
  • Cultural Anthropology.
  • Ethnicity and Identity.
  • Evolutionary theory
  • Human genetics
  • Osteoarchaeology
  • Gender Experiences.
  • Human Behavioral.
  • Legal Anthropology.
  • Medical Anthropology.
  • Forensic anthropology

What other majors are related to Anthropology?

  • Cultural anthropology
  • Medical anthropology
  • Sociology and anthropology


Course difficult12%  [su_tooltip title=”” text=” In terms of curriculum, assignments, duration, and examination(internal and entrance) Anthropology holds 12% difficulty “] ℹ️[/su_tooltip]
Acceptance rate100% [su_tooltip title=”” text=” Competition to get into the Anthropology major is low. 2 out of 100 students apply for Anthropology major yearly.”] ℹ️[/su_tooltip]
Relevance metric12%  [su_tooltip title=”” text=” When compared to other majors in terms of economic impact, job availability, standardization, literature and research work, Anthropology has 12% relevance”] ℹ️[/su_tooltip]
Job availability5%
Estimated number of studentNil
Colleges with Anthropology Major300+ [su_tooltip title=”” text=” There are over 300 schools offering Anthropology in the United States. Schools include universities, colleges, and polytechnics. “] ℹ️[/su_tooltip]



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