Is Comparative Literature a good major

Is Comparative Literature a good major?

Yes, Comparative Literature is a good major suitable for students who are interested in politics and current affairs, intrigued by the different ways different cultures tell their stories, and who want to learn different perspectives around the world in great detail through the lens of literature, connecting to a culture’s arts and history.

Comparative Literature, like other humanities degrees, teaches you to think critically, pursue deep analysis, and communicate complex ideas. It prepares you to be an informed, engaged, and active member of any community you participate in. Includes instruction in comparative linguistics; applicable foreign languages; English/French language and literature; literary criticism; and applications to genre, period, national, and textual studies as well as literary forms such as poetry, prose, and drama.



Is Comparative Literature a hard major?

No. Comparative Literature is not a hard major. However, students pursuing a degree in Comparative Literature are required to complete coursework in at least two foreign languages. In the first foreign language, students are expected to achieve full professional proficiency.



Comparative Literature major salary

Comparative Literature is a good major in the United States with an unlimited number of job roles to explore. There is no standard salary for any Comparative Literature jobs. Your salary also depends on if you’re working in the private or public sector. The national average salary for a Comparative Literature major in the U.S. is $77,800



Some classes Comparative Literature majors may likely take:

  • Gender and Identity in Colonial Literature
  • Indigenous Literature
  • Feminist Theory
  • Senses of Place
  • World Literature
  • Sexuality Studies
  • Literature and Society
  • Literature and Religion
  • Literature and the Self
  • Literature, Science, and Technology
  • Literature and Ethnicity
  • The Quest in World Literature
  • Film and Literature as Narrative Art
  • Myth and Ritual
  • Theory and Method in the Study of Religion
  • Poetry & Politics



What other majors are related to Comparative Literature?



Course difficult25%  [su_tooltip title=”” text=” In terms of curriculum, assignments, duration, and examination(internal and entrance) Comparative Literature holds 25% difficulty “] ℹ️[/su_tooltip]
Acceptance rate100% [su_tooltip title=”” text=” Competition to get into the Comparative Literature major is low. 6 out of 100 students apply for Comparative Literature major yearly.”] ℹ️[/su_tooltip]
Relevance metric25%  [su_tooltip title=”” text=” When compared to other majors in terms of economic impact, job availability, standardization, literature and research work, Comparative Literature has 25% relevance”] ℹ️[/su_tooltip]
Job availability60%
Estimated number of studentNil
Colleges with Comparative Literature Majors50+ [su_tooltip title=”” text=” There are over 50 schools offering Comparative Literature in the United States. Schools include universities, colleges, and polytechnics. “] ℹ️[/su_tooltip] See schools here


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