Is Gerontology a good major?
Yes, Gerontology is a good major for those who are interested in helping the aging population. Whether it stems from a sociological, psychological, economic, or health perspective, this field of study is multidisciplinary and constantly evolving. Gerontology involves studying how bodies and minds change over time. Some of the physical changes gerontologists study include skin wrinkling and hair, muscle and bone loss.
Is Gerontology a hard major?
Yes. Genetics is a hard major which touches aspects of biogerontology, psychogerontology, and other aspects dealing with pharmacology for older people, statistics, economics, research, academia and teaching, clinical medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, cosmetic and aesthetic medicine, nutritional, etc etc
Gerontology major salary
Gerontology is a good major in the United States with a limited number of job roles to explore. There is no standard salary for any Gerontology job. Your salary also depends on if you’re working in the private or public sector. The national average salary for a Gerontology major in the U.S. is $62,213
Some classes Gerontology majors may likely take:
- Death & Dying
- Biology of Aging
- Psychology of Adult Development & Aging
- Mental Health & Aging
- Health Aspects of Aging
- Working with Minority Elderly
- Psychology
- Long Term Care Administration
- Senior Housing
- Nutrition & Aging
- Recreation for the Aging
- Hospice
What other majors are related to Gerontology?
- Adult Development and Aging
- Adult Health Nurse/Nursing
- Public Health/Community Nurse/Nursing
- Clinical Psychology
- Clinical/Medical Social Work
Course difficult | 75% [su_tooltip title=”” text=” In terms of curriculum, assignments, duration, and examination(internal and entrance) Gerontology holds 75% difficulty “] ℹ️[/su_tooltip] |
Acceptance rate | 45% [su_tooltip title=”” text=” Competition to get into the Gerontology major is low 23 out of 100 students apply for Gerontology major yearly.”] ℹ️[/su_tooltip] |
Relevance metric | 100% [su_tooltip title=”” text=” When compared to other majors in terms of economic impact, job availability, standardization, literature and research work, Gerontology has 100% relevance”] ℹ️[/su_tooltip] |
Job availability | 80% |
Estimated number of student | Nil |
Colleges with Gerontology Majors | 20+ [su_tooltip title=”” text=” There are over 20 schools offering Gerontology in the United States. Schools include universities, colleges, and polytechnics. “] ℹ️[/su_tooltip] See schools here |