Tacoma Community College Programs & Acceptance

Tacoma Community College Programs and acceptance rate

Located in the West region of the united state, Tacoma Community College has grown up in the past half-century, with a modern campus, relevant program offerings, a clear mission, and strong leadership. Tacoma Community College is a 2-year community college. TCC offers almost 60 degrees and certificates as well as two Bachelor of Applied Science degrees.



Is Tacoma Community College hard to get into?

The acceptance rate at Tacoma Community College is 100%. For every 100 applicants, 100 are admitted. This means the school is not selective; not hard to get into. You have a great chance of getting accepted if you meet the Tacoma Community College requirements.



Is Tacoma Community College a good school?

Tacoma Community College is a good school that creates meaningful learning, advances equity, and strengthens student and community success.



What is Tacoma Community College known for?

Tacoma Community College is known for having 45 different classes that are accepted for credit at all Washington state public colleges and universities known as “The Washington 45.” Several courses known as Open Educational Resource classes require either low-cost textbooks or no books at all.



Is Tacoma Community College Accredited?

Tacoma Community College is accredited by Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)



The followings are popular programs at the Tacoma Community College