WMF Empowerment Scholarships for Developing Country Students

Eligible Country47 Developing Countries
Tuition FeeFully Funded

This year, if you want to study for free, you shouldn’t miss any chance with Wells Mountain Initiative (WMI) fully-funded scholarship for Developing Country Students. Wells Mountain Initiative (WMI), fosters social change at the local level by building a global network of grassroots leaders who are catalyzing community transformation across 47 developing countries.

Wells Mountain Initiative (WMI) support young people who have proved to be unstoppable in the face of adversity and are deeply committed to leading change in their community. They fund their undergraduate studies in high-need sectors, help them lead social service projects during their academic career and stand alongside them to address any challenges so that they successfully complete their studies

The Wells Mountain Foundation, through the Empowerment Through Education (ETE) program, provides undergraduate scholarships to developing country nationals to study in their home country or a neighbouring country.

The Foundation believes in the power and importance of community service; therefore, all scholarship participants are required to volunteer for a minimum of 100 hours a year.


Host Institution(s):

Your choice of institution in your home country or in another developing country


Level/Field(s) of study:

Bachelor’s Degree in any field of study but applications is encouraged from those interested in pursuing degrees that will best help their local communities – medicine & health sciences, community development, law, education, social work, business, information technology, agriculture and engineering.


Number of Scholarships:

About 50-60 scholarships per year.


Target group:

Citizens of developing countries


Scholarship value/duration:

ETE scholarships range from $300 USD to $3000 USD annually and are provided throughout the undergraduate education of the recipient. The average scholarship amount is $1500. Scholarships may be used for tuition and fees, books and materials, and other related costs (room rent and meals).



WMF’s ideal candidate is a student, male or female, from a country in the developing world, who:

  • • Successfully completed secondary education, with good to excellent grades
  • • Is 35 or under on 1 March 2022
  • • Will be studying in his or her country or another country in the developing world*
  • • Is pursuing his or her first bachelor’s degree or diploma
  • • Will be enrolled in a program of study that will benefit the community and/or contributes to the continued growth and advancement of his or her home country
  • • Plans to live and work in his or her own country after graduation
  • • Has demonstrated his or her commitment to giving back and has volunteered prior to applying
  • • May have some other funds available for his or her education, but will not be able to go to pursue his or her tertiary degree without financial assistance


Application instructions:

To apply for the Empowerment Through Education (ETE) program, you must submit a complete application via the online scholarship application portal (preferred method) or via postal mail to the Foundation’s office. The 2022 Empowerment Through Education online application will be available from 1 December 2021 to 1 March 2022.

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) to access the application form and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


To learn more about this scholarship. Click on the apply button below

[su_button url=”http://www.wellsmountainfoundation.org/our-programs/scholarships/” style=”3d” background=”#ef652d” icon=”icon: send-o”]Apply[/su_button]

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