Worcester Polytechnic Institute Programs & Acceptance

Worcester Polytechnic Institute majors and acceptance rate

Located in the Northwest region of the United States, Worcester Polytechnic Institute is a school of engineering and technology in central Massachusetts. WPI grants bachelor’s degrees in 32 technical and scientific fields of study. In addition, every academic program is centered around a project-based learning foundation known as The WPI Plan.



Is Worcester Polytechnic Institute hard to get into?

The acceptance rate at Worcester Polytechnic Institute is 59%. For every 100 applicants, 59 are admitted. This means the school is selective; hard to get into. The selection process for students is based on outstanding academic achievement, innovation, and curiosity.



Is Worcester Polytechnic Institute a good school?

The Worcester Polytechnic Institute is a good school that educates talented men and women in engineering, science, management, and humanities in preparation for careers of professional practice, civic contribution, and leadership, facilitated by active lifelong learning.



What is Worcester Polytechnic Institute known for?

Worcester Polytechnic Institute known for its engineering disciplines and is one of the top-ranked schools to attend for engineering in North America and the world over.



Is Worcester Polytechnic Institute a party school?

No, Worcester Polytechnic Institute is not a party school.



What major is Worcester Polytechnic Institute known for?

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