18 things they don’t teach you in school

things they dont teach in school

After I had my first son, the joy came with a lot of emotions, including sadness, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, and changes in sleeping patterns. I also experience withdrawal from family and friends, loss of interest in work, small talk, and feelings of inadequacy as a parent which I later discovered to be Postpartum depression in men, often referred to as paternal postpartum depression (PPPD).

This experience led me to reflect on our education system and what it truly prepares us for. Tupac once discussed in an interview the shortcomings of traditional schooling and what it ought to include.


…I think that we got so caught up in school being a tradition that we stopped using it as a learning tool, which it should be. Up to this day. I mean school should be, I think there should be a different curriculum in each and every like neighborhood you know. Because I’m going to Tamalpais High and I’m learning about the basics, but they’re not basic for me, you know.

They’re not, to get us ready for today’s world. They’re not, that’s not helping. It’s just what they took, so that’s what we’re gonna take. So that’s why the streets have taught me. And um.

But school is really important. Reading, writing, arithmetic. But I think after you learn reading, writing, arithmetic, that’s it. But what they tend to is teach you reading, writing, and arithmetic then teach you reading, writing, and arithmetic again then again then again, just make it harder and harder, just to keep you busy. And that’s where I think they messed up.

There should be a class on drugs. There should be a class on sex education, a real sex education class. Not just pictures and diaphragms and unlogical terms and things like that. There should be a drug class, there should be sex education, there should be a class on scams, there should be a class on religious cult, there should be a class on police brutality…


Building on his thoughts, I believe education should encompass more practical life skills irrespective of courses. Classes on parenthood, marriage, managing finances within a family, and the dynamics of dealing with a firstborn could be invaluable. While these life skills are often learned through experience, having a foundational understanding could better prepare us for these significant life stages.


Things they don’t teach you in school

  1. Empathy: Developing the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, which is crucial for maintaining a strong interpersonal relationships.
  2. First Aid: Learning basic emergency response skills to manage common situations such as cuts, burns, or cardiac events, which can be lifesaving until professional help arrives.
  3. Mental Health: Cultivating awareness and techniques to manage one’s mental well-being, including recognizing signs of mental health issues and knowing when and how to seek help.
  4. Relationships: Understanding the dynamics of building and maintaining healthy relationships, emphasizing communication, trust, and respect.
  5. Self-Defense: Acquiring skills to protect oneself in various situations, ranging from verbal de-escalation to physical defense techniques.
  6. Finances: Mastering effective money management and investment strategies to achieve financial security and independence.
  7. Insurance: Gaining knowledge about different types of insurance—such as health, life, and property—and understanding their benefits to make informed decisions.
  8. Learning and Thinking: Developing critical and creative thinking skills to enhance problem-solving abilities and decision-making processes.
  9. Forgiveness: Embracing the ability to forgive, and understanding that it can lead to emotional freedom and better mental health.
  10. Walking Away: Learning when to walk away from situations that no longer serve one’s best interests or contribute to personal growth.
  11. Love: Exploring the complexities and varieties of love, from romantic to familial and platonic, and understanding how to nurture these bonds.
  12. Wealth and Poverty: Developing strategies for financial stability and learning how to cope with financial challenges, fostering an understanding of both wealth accumulation and managing scarcity.
  13. Identifying Threats: Enhancing awareness and skills to recognize and respond to potential dangers, promoting personal safety.
  14. Firstborn Child: Exploring the unique challenges and joys that come with parenting a firstborn, from adjusting to new responsibilities to fostering a nurturing environment.
  15. How to Be Rich: Understanding the principles of wealth creation, investment, and sustainable financial practices.
  16. How to Be Poor: Managing limited resources effectively, maintaining dignity and quality of life even in financial hardship.
  17. Thinking: Fostering both critical and abstract thinking skills that encourage questioning, analyzing, and innovating.


By integrating these topics into educational curriculums or personal learning endeavors, we can be better prepared to handle various aspects of life, contributing to our personal growth and the well-being of our communities.

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