200 Inspirational Self Birthday Quotes

Are looking for inspirational self birthday quotes, be sure, we got you covered. From funny self happy birthday quotes, inspirational quotes, sad birthday quotes, prayer birthday wishes to self and birthday to me in advance — we got you covered. These self birthday quotes are for a special occasional: BIRTHDAY.

Every day, minute, and hour, there is someone out there celebrating his or her birthday. There are different ways to show love and express happiness on this special occasion and of such is to send self birthday quotes or wishes to yourself.

Birthdays are special because it marks the day of one’s birth. It’s a day that only comes around once a year, and for this reason, it is memorable. Birthday may be a normal day for everyone else, but to me, it’s a unique day. A good amount of love from yourself and from others will result in a happy successful birthday and for this reason, I have collated 100 self-birthday quotes for you to make use of…


Happy Birthday Wishes to Self


As I add another age in some days, I want to love more, I want to help more. I want to smile more and most importantly, I want to keep improving myself. So help me God.

As I commemorate my birthday, I do not just see someone who is a year older, and has wrinkles. I also see someone with gray hair! Happy Birthday to myself!

Birthdays are days to celebrate and I’m eagerly looking forward to the day ahead. Happy Birthday in advance to me.

Birthdays are the Lord’s way of reminding us that’we have so much more to accomplish in life. I will never give up, for it’s never too late to set a new goal and dream a new dream. Happy birthday to me.

Dear me, this birthday serves as a reminder that you have enjoyed the full grace of the lord and that you indeed deserve to be celebrated. You’ve worked through fire and came out without a scratch and you’re indeed a survivor. Happy birthday to me.

Dear me, you have really done so good and so well and you really deserve all the good things that come your way. You have survived one more year of struggles, laughter and love. Happy birthday to me.

Dear self, stay calm and know that fun is on the way’ um, actually, you forgot to order the cake and invite all the people, so it may be a while. Anyway, happy birthday.

Despite all the roller-coasters in my life, I have enjoyed and have always looked forward to pushing my comfort one. The Lord has been kind to me. I can’t thank you enough for giving me such a wonderful life. Happy Birthday to myself!

Every year I swear I’m getting more beautiful, awesome, adorable, and lovely to be around- congrats on another year and happy birthday to you. Love, me.

Feeling proud of me to have committed good deeds throughout life. This birthday, I vow to do more of it! I know it sounds conceited, but I love myself! Happy Birthday to dear me. You rock!

Friends and well-wishers will come and go but the evolving version of myself will be the evergreen gift to me! Grateful to be alive! Happy birthday to dear me!

Glorious God, I thank You in advance for hearing my birthday request to make my future even brighter than my past!

God Almighty, just as You have brought me to this special day, I entreat You with all optimism and expectancy for a long life of perpetual blessings.

Heavenly Father, I pray that You make every year of my earthly life a practice for the eternal one that I will spend with You.

I am a unique child of the Almighty! There is and will never be anyone like me. Glad to be a part of the divine. Thank god for this birthday to me!

I appreciate the affections and well wishes of my loved ones, but I’m hoping and praying during this birthday to be filled with the type of joy that only You can provide!

I believe so much in myself, I have what it takes to be a greater person than I was before, I’m a trademark on my own and I have got all it takes to build an empire for myself and I am grateful to heaven for this opportunity. Happy birthday to me!

I celebrate my special day, still full of wonder! I wonder where my car keys are, I wonder where I parked, I wonder why my hip does that thing, when I walk’

I don’t just want to walk this earth like everyone, I just want to make impart and create improvement in the lives of everyone I meet. I’ll be a year older in some days and it feels so good.

I have lost count when people stabbed me behind my back! But the Almighty sees and knows how to neutralize everything! On this birthday, I forgive everyone who hurt me intentionally or unintentionally! Happy Birthday to my strong self!

I know that serving others has been a source of inspiration, a source of strength, a reinforcement of faith, and an illustration of my life’s purpose. But my best is yet to come. Happy birthday to me.

I pray that negativity is a thing of the past and that today marks a new, prosperous era in my life.

I pray to You, dear God, to make all my dreams come true, for the years have taught me that as hard as I may try, I still cannot realize them through my own strength and wisdom.

I refuse to be a failure. I succeed in all my endeavour and I’m victorious. I celebrate my birthday ahead. I’m counting down.

I’ve always wanted an excuse to eat tons of food, dress up, play around the house all day, do whatever I wanted for just one day. Now I can because today is my birthday! Yeah me.

It is another birthday. In thinking of this past year, there have been many ups and downs. Yet, I made it through. I look forward to a fresh beginning and starting a new year. Happy birthday to me.

It is during this time I remember just how much You love not only me but indeed all of us, and using my birthday authority, I ask that You grant us all long life and prosperity. Thank You, dear God, for I know You have answered this humble prayer of mine.

It’s a special day to someone who is smart, beautiful, talented, and all around wonderful. Who could that person be? I wonder. That’s right, you guessed it! It’s me! I am going to enjoy my special day today. Happy birthday to me.

It’s some days to my birthday and I can’t help but feel the moments. You can start sending in your gifts and let’s make plans for the day. It will be beautiful.

Just as these candles wonderfully illuminate my birthday cake, may God also light the paths of all of my steps.

Let it rain. Let the earth be cool. Let me feel the joy of the time cause it’s my birthday in some days. Happy Birthday to me in advance.

Life has always swiveled me amongst the circumstances of polar opposites. The learning from it has been phenomenal. Hopefully, this year will be less challenging though! Happy Birthday to me!

Life is leaving me with so many memories. I’m glad I’m stepping into another phase soon. Happy Birthday to me in some days.

Life will throw many obstacles in our life’s path, that will make us sad or disappointed at times. Dealing positively with these obstacles is what makes the difference between them turning into worse states or being overcome. Thank God for my life. Happy birthday to me.

Lucky are those on whom the Almighty has bestowed so much luck, talent, and beauty! I may be turning a year older but I am living my life with full joy, effervescent, vigor, and vitality. So grateful for being alive! Happy Birthday to myself!

Many people depend on me and make demands upon me. Today, however, is all about me I am going to give myself special treats and do what I want to do. I deserve it! Happy birthday to me!

May God grant me countless more years of excitement, revelling in the ceaseless wonders of His innumerable creations.

May the blessings of Christ will always be upon me! To the noble and kind soul, may I always march towards my goals fearlessly! Happy birthday to myself

Most birthdays involve remembering old times. Fortunately for me, I can not even remember what I did, even five minutes ago! Happy Birthday to me!

My birthday is an inspirational time to remind me to live each day with passion. Happy birthday to me.

My childhood has been phenomenal, courtesy to the sacrifice of Mother. I am successful today, all because of my mother. The outside world may not be kind, but my mother surely is and will always be! Thank you, Mom, for all you do. Happy Birthday to dear me!

My Dear Mom! On this Birthday, I can only consider myself lucky for having you who brought me into this wonderful world. You have been my greatest savior in my most difficult circumstances. You are the mom and I am the best child!

My heart is filled with happiness and my soul is filled with joy because I’m lucky enough to witness today and to see my loved ones around me. Happy birthday to me!

Never in history has been a better time to be alive than now! I am so grateful to the divine for sending me on this planet in this era. May I become a centenarian! Happy Birthday to my dear self!

On my birthday, I wish for many great things! Oh, who am I kidding? I just wish for a spot on the couch and a piece of birthday cake!

On my special day, I pray that I continue to change the lives of others with my positivity, love, and beautiful spirit. Happy birthday to me.

Only God is worthy of all my praises and adoration today, he gave me peace in times of troubles, soothes my pain, put a smile on my face during my sad days and also gave me sunshine in my cloudy days. Happy birthday to me!

Over the years, I have surrounded myself with people who do cause me good, people who are happy, kind, uplifting, supportive and understanding, and who offer all their love and support. They’re the best! Happy birthday to me.

People change and that is what I’m about to experience; change in my age. In a number of days, I’ll be a year older. I wish myself all the joy my heart can hold.

Some days are more glorious than others! This day is not one of them! Happy Birthday to me!

The best of my life is yet to come. I will embrace it, be confident, and embark on a future of limitless possibilities and opportunities. Happy birthday to me.

The birds woke me up with a sweet song, the sunshine radiantly through my windows and the cool breeze gently tap me to wake up to a brand new day filled with joy and laughter, a day specially made for me. Happy birthday to me.

The day I was born is arriving! The excitement is already rushing! The flood of the endorphins is soaking my cells and the anticipation of my birthday is rising! Thank you God for everything. Happy advanced birthday to me.

The wind is blowing so cool. I guess it knows the birthday of a unique being is in some days. Let me start planning for my birthday!

There has always been an inner voice and the shadow of the divine that has always guided me towards the right path. God lends its hand to us in mysterious ways! Thank god for keeping an eye on me during the hard times. Happy Birthday to myself!’

There is every reason to forgive me for all my past mistakes. I may be the fiercest enemy of mine but I am also my best friend. Let us make the best of my life! Happy Birthday to me

There is no substitute for Mother’s love. She not only has brought me into this world but has also raised with ethics, morality, and responsibility. She built the foundation of my emotional intelligence and I owe her for my success. Happy Birthday to me and I thank the Almighty for giving me a mother like her!

They say that having birthdays are just like going over speed bumps through life before you get old. Well, today’s my birthday and I’m flying over this one right to the cocktail party. Happy birthday to me!

This year was a difficult one, with many struggles and hardships. I got through it, though! Yay, me! Today is the start of a brand-new year. I am looking forward to a fresh start. Happy birthday to me!

To everyone out there having a bad day, stay calm. It’s my birthday.

To everyone who ever wanted to spank me, now is your chance! It’s my birthday! P.S. mom, that does not include you.

To not live in regret or fear that my past determines the beauty or success of my future, has been one of my life’s greatest lessons. Happy birthday to me.

Today is my birthday, a special day in my life. I rejoice at the privilege of being alive to see this day. Thank you, God. Happy birthday to me.

Today is the start of a new year for me and a new chapter of my life. What a great time to be alive! I am grateful for the blessings of the past, and I look forward to more blessings in the coming year. Happy birthday to me!

Today marks another awesome year for me and I can only be grateful and happy for this grace heaven has granted me, a new age has been added to my life and I’ve been blessed with blessings beyond my expectations. Happy birthday to me!

Today marks one small milestone in the beautiful journey, that is my life. May I continue to be blessed and follow my goals and ambition to succeed. Happy birthday to me.

Today, I celebrate my birthday! I have a feeling that I will look back on it, for years to come, full of regret’so, today is no different than any other day!

Very few are there who are able to conduct themselves with integrity, honesty, and dignity. I can always walk with my head held high. Thank you God for always showing me a light at the end of the tunnel. Happy Birthday to myself. Feeling blessed!

We must strive to live with purpose. When we live with purpose, we feel good inside.’ This keeps inspiring me. Happy birthday to me.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going! On this birthday, I vow to never let circumstances control my beliefs and perception! Happy birthday to myself!

While it is true that I have acquired tons of success on my own, it would be an understatement to say that you only helped me! You have certainly permeated all your blessings, altruism, desire to succeed, and beauty to me! Thank you Lord for giving me a Mom like you! Happy Birthday to me!

I did not share these birthday quotes for the fun of it. A birthday is a time to celebrate BIRTH itself. It is also an occasion to reflect and rethink life. It is a great time to reflect on the past, evaluate the present, and make plans for the future. It is a time when the past intersects with the present and future.

People forget!!! A situation may arise which would make them forget about you at the moment. To avoid disappointment, you can use these self-birthday quotes and wish yourself a Happy birthday before others do and that’s if they remember.

Take to social media such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, and any social media platform you use and wish yourself a happy birthday, and show the world how much you love yourself.

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