2021 Yale Young African Scholars (YYAS) Program

Yale Young African Scholars (YYAS), an official program of Yale University, is an intensive academic and enrichment program designed for African secondary school students planning to pursue tertiary education and who wish to make a meaningful impact as young leaders on the continent.
Participants will enhance their academic skills, receive guidance on university admissions and career path options, and join a network of young leaders from across Africa. Following the seven-day program, students will be paired with mentors who will advise them throughout the university application process. There is no tuition cost for students to participate in YYAS.
To keep everyone safe during the global pandemic, YYAS 2021 will be an online program. YYAS will be hosting a seven-day virtual session using various digital platforms from 25th July to 31st July 2021*. Relevant program information will be communicated directly to admitted students via email.

Eligibility Requirements for Yale Young African Scholars (YYAS)

Prospective applicants must be current secondary school students in Africa who have one term to one full academic year left to complete after August 2021. Students should be between 14 and 18 years old. In addition, applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of an African country.
In order to apply to Yale Young African Scholars (YYAS), applicants MUST fulfil all of the following requirements:

  • Age: You must be at least 14 years old by the application deadline (16 February 2021) in order to be considered. Please note that a typical YYAS student is between the ages of 15 and 18.
  • English: You must be able to participate in a rigorous academic curriculum conducted in English.
  • Citizenship: You must be a citizen or permanent resident of an African country. YYAS will also accept applications from refugees living in an African country.
  • School location: You must currently attend school in an African country.
  • Grade Level: You must be a current 11th-grade student (or the international equivalent).

If you are currently in your final year or term of secondary school, have already graduated secondary school, or are a university student, then you are NOT eligible to apply.
YYAS is a proud member of the HALI Access Network and gives admissions preference to high-achieving, low-income (i.e. “HALI”) students who do not have university guidance in their schools or communities. To increase accessibility, there is no tuition cost for any student.
To apply, students must submit an online application that includes one essay and two short-answer prompts. Students must also upload an official school transcript or grade report as well as provide the contact information for one teacher who knows them well enough to fill out an online recommendation form.
Apply Now: https://africanscholars.yale.edu/admissions/how-apply
Application Deadline: 16 February 2021 at 11:59 pm EST.
For more information, please email african.scholars@yale.edu or visit the website.
If you are a YYAS or YYGS alumnus/a, you may NOT apply for YYAS. (*However, if you are a YYAS alumnus/a, you can apply to YYGS if eligible.)

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