4 Examples of Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are often viewed as the foundation for good working and social relationships, and for
developing many other areas of skills without which there will be difficulties in developing other important life skills. Interpersonal skills are one of the most valuable skills in the social and business world. Interpersonal skills with all the mystery and high-talk surrounding them simply entail an effective means of handling a conversation.

It is all about learning the art of giving in rather than giving up. It is the skill that entails how to use facts and emotions to get people on your side or how to have a pleasant, informative, and valuable conversation that leaves a lasting positive impression of you in others’ minds.

Interpersonal skills are sometimes, also referred to as people skills, social skills, soft skills, or life skills with good reason: these are skills that we use while communicating with others. Although all these terms tend to be broader and may therefore also refer to other types of skills. Many people also use the term communication skills for interpersonal skills, but the latter cover more, including emotional intelligence, problem-solving, and decision-making.


4 examples of Interpersonal skills


Speaking as one of the 4 examples of interpersonal skill holds a special place of value. Contrary to popular belief, effective speaking is not a natural talent but a learned one. A good speaker can connect and empathize with people. This makes them approachable and authentic. Often, people gravitate towards them for support and advice. If you speak with conviction and passion, it will help the audience relate to you, believe in you, and remember you. Thus, speaking goes beyond making vocal sounds.



Explanation as one of the 4 examples of interpersonal skill bridges the gap between a person’s knowledge or experience and new phenomena. One of the most important features of explanation in interpersonal skills is the ability to provide appropriate illustrations, examples, and planned repetition where necessary, inducts, and deducts for the statements made. A clear explanation helps creates a mental image, which, in turn, helps listeners retain the information better.



Persuasion as one of the 4 examples of interpersonal skills usually determines the end result of conversation though it begins with how we respond to others in presentations, meetings, and interviews. Persuasion in interpersonal skills involves our ability to respond effectively to questions and challenges. Persuasion is a constant. We persuade people to engage in service, to buy an idea or product. We persuade people into loving or accepting us or others, into behaving in certain ways, into telling certain things, and so forth. For example, the 2022 Nigeria Presidential candidate Mr. Peter Obi is known to effectively use the act of persuasion.


Active Listening:

Active listening as one of the 4 examples of interpersonal skills is critical to any successful conversation. It is an important part of the interpersonal skill set because it encourages openness, honesty, and success. It defuses the situation and seeks solutions to problems. When you pay attention to a conversation you show that person they are being heard, thus building trust and making that person feel like their words matter to you. Attentive listening cuts down on miscommunication, facilitates conflict resolution and problem-solving, and generates a more positive atmosphere for sharing

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