Austin Peay State University Programs & Acceptance

Austin Peay State University majors and acceptance rate

Located in the South region of the United States, Austin Peay State University is a comprehensive university committed to raising the educational attainment of the citizenry, developing programs and services that address regional needs, and providing collaborative opportunities that connect university expertise with private and public resources. APSU offers associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs on-site and online.



Is Austin Peay State University hard to get into?

The acceptance rate at Austin Peay State University is 91%. For every 100 applicants, 91 are admitted. This means the school is not selective; not hard to get into. You have a great chance of getting accepted if you meet Austin Peay State University’s requirements for GPA, SAT/ACT scores, and other application components.



Is Austin Peay State University a good school?

The Austin Peay State University is a good school, the region’s university of choice for those seeking to improve their lives. Austin Peay State University focuses on student-centered teaching, unique developmental opportunities, innovative research, and public service



What is Austin Peay State University known for?

The Austin Peay State University is known for being a mission-driven, community-minded institution that provides transformational experiences through innovative, creative, and scholarly activities. The school welcomes and inspires an inclusive community of learners to make a positive impact regionally and globally.



Is Austin Peay State University a party school?

Yes. The Austin Peay State University is a party school.



The followings are popular majors at Austin Peay State University:

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