Administrative Structure of Nigerian Universities

Organizational/Administrative Structure of Nigeria University Every Student Should Know

  • The Visitor: In the Nigerian University system, the Visitor in any Federal University is the President. In state universities, the Visitor is the Governor of that state, while in private universities, the Visitor is the founder of the university. The Visitor of any given university appoints the Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor, and some members of the Governing Council.


  • The Chancellor is the titular head of the University. He/She is an appointee of Government and is expected to be a person of very high standing in the society, who can command the respect of both the University Community and the Government. He/She takes precedence over every other member of the University and presides over convocation for the award of degrees.


  • The Pro-Chancellor in relation to the University, by statute also takes precedence before all other members of the University, except the Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor when acting as Chairman of Congregation or Convocation. The Pro-Chancellor, when present, serves as Chairman at all meetings of the Council.


  • The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive and Chief Academic Officer of the university. He/She is also the Chief Accounting Officer, the Chairman of Senate and, in relation to the University, takes precedence before all other members of the University except the Chancellor and the Pro-Chancellor, and any other person who for the time is acting as Chairman. He/She also serves as the Chairman of a congregation and an Ex-Officio member of Council. He provides leadership for the university and directs its affairs towards the actualization of its vision, mission and objectives.

The Vice-Chancellor is assisted in his/her functions by Deputy Vice-Chancellor(s), where applicable, and by other Principal Officers.

  • The Registrar is the Chief Administrative Officer of the University and He/She is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the day-to-day administrative work of the University except as regards matters for which the Bursar is responsible. He/She also serves as the Chief Scribe to the University and as the Secretary to Council, Senate, Congregation and Convocation. By implication, the Registrar has Deputies from Administrative Assistants to Deputy Registrars. Depending on the university, the department within the office of The Registrar may include;
  • Academic Affairs
  • Exam and Records
  • Establishment & Training Unit
  • Filling Positions
  • Appointments
  • Promotions
  • Non – Teaching Staff
  • Discipline
  • Welfare
  • Staff Records


  • The Bursar is the Chief Financial Officer of the university and is responsible for the day-to-day administration and control of the financial affairs of the university.


  • The University Librarian is responsible to the Vice Chancellor for the administration of the University Library and the coordination of the library services in the University.

These officers assist the Vice Chancellor in supervising specific areas of the administration as indicated above and serve as members of various Committees for the good order and operations of the University.

  • The Provost: Any university that has a College within usually makes provision for the Provost, the College Board, the Academic Board, the Academic Staff Assembly within the College.


  • The Deans of Faculties are provided by law as being in charge of the Faculties. Where there is no Professor, the office is held in rotation by members of the Faculty holding the rank of Reader or Senior Lecturer on the basis of seniority, or as determined by Senate.
  • Provisions are made in the Act on how each of the foregoing officers shall be appointed.


  • The Heads of Departments/Units are in charge of the branches of the faculties. This means for every department within a faculty, there is a HOD who oversee the affairs of a department and report directly to The Deans of Faculty


  • Course Advisor is in charge of a particular level/year within a department. He/She is responsible to the Heads of Department in matters related to the students


2 thoughts on “Administrative Structure of Nigerian Universities”

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