12 Foremost Characteristics Of A Good Students

No two individuals are alike. However, successful students have similar characteristics which make them succeed in college. While it’s important to consider your strengths, it’s also important to develop a plan for moving forward and ensuring you have the knowledge and skills needed to succeed.

The following are some of the characteristics of the good student you can be:

  • Good students have a good attitude and know-how to stay motivated.
  • Good students have developed good time management strategies, such as scheduling study time and getting started early on assignments and projects.
  • Good students have developed their critical thinking skills and apply them in their studies.
  • Good students have effective strategies for taking good notes in class and using them.
  • Good students have learned how to gain the most from their assigned readings for classes.
  • Good students know how to prepare for and take tests successfully.
  • Good students interact well with their instructors and fellow students in and outside of class.
  • Good students have learned to write well for their classes, an essential aspect of a college education.
  • Good students develop social relationships that contribute to, rather than detract from, their educational experiences.
  • Good students take control of their health with good habits that help them be better students and feel less stress.
  • Good students have control over their finances. Because getting into debt is a very common reason that students have to drop out of college, it’s important to control expenditures and manage your finances well
  • Good students are able to transition well from the world of college into their future careers.

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