French Accented Letters Copy Paste (Upper and Lower case)

If you make use of French accented letters on a daily basis, you can ease yourself of trying to put accent marks on letters while typing. From the table below, you can copy-paste French accented letters (lowercase or uppercase) on your document with ease.

French accented letters can be copied and pasted within seconds and it works perfectly on popular word processors such as OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Pages (word processor), Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Simply click on an alphabet symbol to copy it to the clipboard and paste it anywhere.


French Accented Letters Copy Paste (Upper and Lower case)

UppercaseLowercaseAccent Name
ÀàAccent Grave (A)
ÂâAccent Circonflex (A)
ÄäAccent Tréma (A)
ÆæUppercase Ligature(AE)
ÇçUppercase Cedilla (C)
ÈèAccent Grave (E)
ÉéAccent Aigu (E)
ÊêAccent Circonflex (E)
ËëAccent Tréma (E)
ÎîAccent Circonflex (I)
ÏïAccent Tréma (I)
ÔôAccent Circonflex (O)
ŒœUppercase Ligature(OE)
ÙùAccent Grave (U)
ÛûAccent Circonflex (U)
ÜüAccent Tréma (U)

Copy and Paste French Accent Letters for Windows Users

If you don’t want to copy and paste French accented letters, you can use the windows shortcut. Each character in your computer has a code made up of pressing the ALT key and then a three-digit number, all of which are listed below.

To type the numbers, you must use the numeric keypad on the Right side of your keyboard, not the number keys on the top row. Hold down the Alt Key and continue holding until you complete the number of the code you desire – then release.

French LettersASCII codeKeyboard Alt code
É0201Alt + 0201
é0233Alt + 0233
À0192Alt + 0192
à0224Alt + 0224
È0200Alt + 0200
è0232Alt + 0232
Ù0217Alt + 0217
ù0249Alt + 0249
Â0194Alt + 0194
â0226Alt + 0226
Ê0202Alt + 0202
ê0234Alt + 0234
Î0206Alt + 0206
î0238Alt + 0238
Ô0212Alt + 0212
ô0244Alt + 0244
Û0219Alt + 0219
û0251Alt + 0251
Ç0199Alt + 0199
ç0231Alt + 0231
Ë0203Alt + 0203
ë0235Alt + 0235
Ï0207Alt + 0207
ï0239Alt + 0239
Ü0220Alt + 0220
ü0252Alt + 0252


Copy and Paste French Accent Letters for Mac Users

To use the Mac Keyboard shortcuts to type Special French letters with accent marks, first, open the document that will contain the character and simultaneously press and release Option plus the corresponding key (see below table), then press the French letter you want to type. If you want to type uppercase French Letters on Mac, use the above hotkeys whilst your caps lock key is turned on.

French LettersShortcut for Mac
é[OPTION]+[e] then e
à[OPTION]+[`] then a
è[OPTION]+[`] then e
ù[OPTION]+[`] then u
â[OPTION]+[i] then a
ê[OPTION]+[i] then e
î[OPTION]+[i] then i
ô[OPTION]+[i] then o
û[OPTION]+[i] then u
ç[Option] + [Shift] + [C]
ë[OPTION]+[u] then e
ï[OPTION]+[u] then i
ü[OPTION]+[u] then u

If you use a smaller notebook computer you will not have keypads on the side of the keyboard. Therefore this alternative method of using the Alt key plus the numbers will not work. It’s better you just copy and paste the accent letters to hasten your work.

In addition, When a QWERTY-US keyboard is configured as US-International, the right apostrophe (‘) is used for treble accenting everything, and the backtick (`) is for grave accent in the same way the hat (^) is for a circumflex accent.

The apostrophe is also used for the cedilla. The right quote is used to put umlauts. These features are much easier to use than numeric combinations with ALT. In addition, the QWERTY-US keyboard is much more convenient for developers because of the greater accessibility of the characters [] {}.

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