All Nigeria States ZIP codes and usefulness

If you are here looking for Nigeria ZIP Codes / Postal codes then you are at the right place. Fatherprada had observed the frequent use of Google by Nigerians to search for ZIP Codes especially in States like Abuja, Lagos and Port Harcourt. After much consideration, Fatherprada deemed it fit to write an article on ZIP Codes.
People search for ZIP Codes for various reasons and I can comfortably guest why you’re here for Nigeria ZIP Codes / Postal codes.

  • To fill an online form where ZIP Codes is compulsory
  • To send or receive parcel locally or international
  • To send documents especially applications for Jobs
  • To receive an international payment
  • To help someone in need of Nigeria ZIP Codes / Postal codes

You are here for one of the listed reasons above. And I’m pleased to let you know that you will find every Nigerian States ZIP Codes on this page. If you cannot find your ZIP Code here, you can use the comment to indicate your location.
But what is ZIP Codes? The first time I came across a ZIP Codes, I was frustrated because I needed to fill an urgent form online with limited data sub.  A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail.
The code was originally intended to allow mail sorting methods to be automated but ended up creating unimagined socio-economic benefits as an organizing and enabling device. The ZIP Code became a social tool for organizing and displaying demographic information, a support structure for entire industries such as insurance and real estate, and even a representation of social identities as observed in the television series Beverly Hills, 90210.

Uses of Nigeria ZIP Codes / Postal codes/Postal codes

  • Mail services: this is the main use of zip codes and postal codes.
  • Delivery services: used for internal routing of a package.
  • Statistics: For example, in Nigeria, there are over 2000 zip codes. Apart from delivery mails, zip codes are also used in gathering statistics.
  • Legislative districts
  • Internet purposes: You will often find zip code under most education or eCommerce website registration page.
  • Credit card security ZIP Codes can also be used for credit card authorization.
  • Some insurance carriers use ZIP Codes to determine the rate the customer will receive.


Features of Nigeria ZIP Codes / Postal codes

  • The Nigeria ZIP Codes / Postal code allowed the Postal Service to automate their sorting process – The
    ZIP Code continues to be the best system to sort mail efficiently and has been a model for countless other posts.


  • The ZIP Codes groups geographies – As described above, the ZIP Code creates
    groups that include their contents: addresses, people, businesses, landmarks, and more.


  • Nigeria ZIP Codes / Postal codes had evolved into a widely referenced system – Similar to other technology such as modern computer keyboards or the combustible engine, Nigeria ZIP Codes / Postal code is so widely used and efficient at so many tasks. For example, packages sent through FedEx and UPS utilize the ZIP Code because it would not be economically efficient to replace it with another system. Another example would be the potential to replace ZIP Codes with latitude and longitude data from Google and other mapping services. Despite this technology’s existence, the ZIP Code remains the prevailing preferred reference due to such vast acceptance.


  • The Postal Service has tremendous reach – Everyone has day-to-day experience with using the ZIP Codes. This means Postal Service actions, especially if they involve infrastructural improvements, have an inherent potential to affect the future of the national economy. This is a fundamental reason for the widespread adoption of the system and is a strength, in and of itself, when considering the ZIP Code’s placement in our future economy.

Please note:
USA use ZIP code while Nigeria uses Postal code. Same function, different name

These are the list of Nigeria States with corresponding ZIP codes

  1. FCT Abuja zip code is: 900001
  2. Abia State zip code is: 440001
  3. Adamawa State zip code is: 640001
  4. Akwa-Ibom State zip code is: 520001
  5. Anambra State zip code is: 420001
  6. Bauchi State zip code is: 740001
  7. Bayelsa State zip code is: 560001
  8. Benue State zip code is: 970001
  9. Borno State zip code is: 600001
  10. Delta State zip code is:320001
  11. Ebonyi State zip code is:  840001
  12. Edo State zip code is:  300001
  13. Ekiti State zip code is: 360001
  14. Enugu State zip code is: 400001
  15. Gombe State zip code is: 760001
  16. Imo State zip code is: 460001
  17. Jigawa State zip code is: 720001
  18. Kano State zip code is: 700001
  19. Katsina State zip code is: 820001
  20. Kaduna State zip code is: 800001
  21. Kebbi State zip code is: 860001
  22. Kogi State zip code is: 260001
  23. Kwara State zip code is: 240001
  24. Lagos State zip code is: (Island) 101001
  25. Lagos (Mainland) 100001
  26. Nasarawa State zip code is: 950001
  27. Niger State zip code is: 920001
  28. Ogun State zip code is: 110001
  29. Ondo State zip code is: 340001
  30. Osun State zip code is: 230001
  31. Oyo State zip code is: 200001
  32. Plateau State zip code is: 930001
  33. Rivers State zip code is: 500001
  34. Sokoto State zip code is: 840001
  35. Taraba State zip code is: 660001
  36. Yobe State zip code is:320001
  37. Zamfara State zip code is: 860001

In case you don’t know, ZIP is an acronym which means Zone Improvement Plan and if you’re wondering why the Nigerian Zip codes are generally six numeric digits, Nigeria consists of six (6) geopolitical zones (North East, North West, North Central, South South, South East, and South West).

Can I use 23401 for Nigeria ZIP Codes / Postal code?

In a scenario where you don’t have the option to choose a country except ZIP code, please use one of the State code above. because if you search for which country’s ZIP code is 23401 on the internet, you would be presented with United States provinces like Keller, Accomack County in Virginia and Nigeria.

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