All Parts of a Debit Card and their functions

For students and non-students who just got a debit card or are just curious to know more about the card, the purpose of this page is to give comprehensive information about the parts of a debit card. Thanks to Debit Card, we can move around without the need to carry physical cash. We can make payments for goods and services at our own convenience. 

You can use your debit card to pay for goods and services that accept cashless transactions. You just swipe the card and enter your PIN number on a keypad. You can use your debit card at an automated teller machine (ATM) and Point of Sale (POS) and online payment gateways. Debit cards take money out of your linked bank account immediately…

To explain the parts of a debit card on this post, I am going to use a real card but some details on the card have been covered for security purpose.part of a debit card

Part of a Debit Card

(Front of a debit card)

Currency Type: This part of a debit card though not often indicated in some cards, clearly show what type of currency a particular debit card can work with.  for example, the card above is linked to a dollar account. Such cards can be used to pay for services in other currency but only dollar currency can be saved in such account. You cannot save or transfer another currency into such account.

Smart Chips: These tiny metal processors resembles a SIM card. This is one of the parts of a debit card that ensures that information about your transactions no matter the location are store for security purpose and payment reference. Apart from information storage, it also helps to provide better protection against fraud by initialising the chip and pin payment method.

Account Holder Name: This is the part of a debit card that displays the name of the account holder. The name of the person that the debit card belongs to Card Number and it usually contains, First Name and Last Name. Some debit card also includes Middle Name.

Insertion Direction: This is the part of a debit card that clearly shows you the direction to insert the card on an ATM machine or Point of Sale Terminal.

Expiration Date: This is one of the parts of a debit card that shows the validity of your card. No debit card is permanent. There is always a need to replace within the space of 3 years or as determined by your bank. When making an online or over the phone transaction, your card validity is always checked upon. A card with an expired date cannot be used for any form of transaction.

Contactless Payment Symbol: This is the part of a debit card (with a wifi logo) that indicates that the debit card can be used in point of sale terminals instead of limiting it to ATM only. Debit card with contactless payment-enabled can be used to make payment in any online payment gateway.

Bank Logo: This is the part of a debit card where the issuing bank, payment gateways or alternative banking solution company place their logo. It is very important for identification.

Payment Network Logo: There are different types of transaction card such as MasterCard, Verve, Visa and Discover. This is one of the parts of a debit card that indicates the type of card you have and you can use your debit card to make a payment anywhere where you can see this logo.

Part of a Debit Card

(Back of a debit card)

part of a debit card 2

Bank Debit Card Contact: This is the part of a debit card that displays a bank direct contact to issues related o ATM Cards. In case of fraud or lost, you or the person who found the missing card can easily reach out to the bank to report.

Security Number: This is the part of a debit card often called CVV, CVV2, CVC, CSC, CID ensures no transaction is successful until the security number is correctly inserted especially on online transactions. This part of a debit card is often not visible unless the card is flipped. The security number which is usually 3 digit code or 4 (American Express cards) on the back of your debit card creates an additional problem for hackers who may have stolen your card number through dubious means.

Magnetic Stripe: Do remember the floppy disk? This is the part of a debit card that contains holds a static amount of data about the card and account. Unlike floppy disk, only ATM and other POS Terminals can read the information safely stored within the magnetic strips. Whenever you make payment for goods or services, it is the work of the magnetic stripe to provide your payment details. Magnetic stripes usually include your name, card number, expiration date, and other details.

Signature Stripe: A signature strip is an area on the back of a card coated with a white or grey material that holds ink. Imprinted above it are words to the effect of “Authorized signature, Not valid unless signed. You don’t have to sign that if you are in Nigeria. With the introduction of one-time-password (OTP) and Hardware Token, you can easily complete and a transaction safely.
That is all you need to know about the parts of a debit card. If there is a part missing or you need more information, please use the comment section of this page.

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