portal kwarastatepolytechnic edu ng
With Kwarapoly portal, students can log in and access their respective dashboard. Kwarapoly portal manages information and registration data of students of Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin, for academic and administrative purposes with the aim of enhancing qualitative academic delivery to the students. The login button is below.
Kwarapoly [Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin] is the foremost provider of technological and entrepreneurial skills. Kwarapoly was established to teach, impart and foster the highest level of intellectual development and provide services to humanity through the exploration of available scientific and research methods.
Please note that all services on Kwarapoly portal are restricted, hence, only authenticated users can access them. Fatherprada has no direct relationship with Kwarapoly unless stated otherwise.
[su_button url=”https://portal.kwarastatepolytechnic.edu.ng/login.php/” background=”#0a82c0″ color=”#fff” icon=”icon: send”]Kwarapoly Portal Login[/su_button]
If you don’t have an account on our Kwarapoly portal and you need to make payment for items such as Statement of Result, Certificate, Convocation and Transcript etc [su_button url=”https://portal.kwarastatepolytechnic.edu.ng/extstudpay.php/” background=”#0a82c0″ color=”#fff” icon=”icon: send”]Click here[/su_button]
For complaint about Kwarapoly portal, you call the following numbers
- 07053869661
- 07031105173
How do i login into my portal2015/2016session
How do I login on my portal to pay for my certificate for the year 2017??
Not yet admitted by jamb but admitted by school
That means JAMB is yet to update their record