50 Indirect Love Quotes for Whatsapp Status

I have often found myself sharing indirect love quotes on my Whatsapp status and after much thought, I felt I should share some of these indirect love quotes on my blog. Most of the quotes were collected from different websites.

You can click this link if are looking for inspiring Whatsapp Status Quotes. Whatsapp is the most popular messaging application that needs no further introduction. Because with this App, you can send unlimited messages, Images, Voice messages, Video Call, Audio call to connect with family and friends at any time.

One feature that made WhatsApp stand out amongst others is Whatsapp status. This feature gives you the ability to share indirect love quotes, ideas, messages in the form of text, videos and images. Once you add a status, it will appear only for 24 hours then after it is automatically removed.

Whatsapp does not provide a means of downloading these statuses but there are third-party applications that can be used to download WhatsApp status. See short forms of words use in Whatsapp

Indirect Love Quotes for Whatsapp Status

  • A long time ago, I thought I met the one. But all I did was meet my suffering because you’ve innocently been my suffering.


  • All of a sudden, my dreams seem to be better than my reality, because at least you loved me in my sleep.
  • Dear crush, please just smile at me as I smile inside every time I see you. And you’ll know how much power you hold over me.


  • For all the things my hands have held the best by far is you


  • I cannot fathom congratulating you on finding love when I’m not the giver of that love.


  • I find myself wishing every time if only you knew you are the reason.


  • I have so much that I want to say to you, but I can’t say a word.


  • I love you with all my life, but it’s not like you will ever know


  • I love you, and it kills me each day to see that you do not feel the same way too.


  • I want people to know how much you meant to me. That you’ll finally know the feeling of my misery.


  • I wish that you were here or I were there or we were together anywhere


  • I’ll never forget the day I saw you. And ever since, I’ve been saying the same thing, “if only, if only.”


  • I’m afraid to lose you and you’re not even mine. – Drake


  • I’m happy for you while feeling unhappy that I’m not the author of your happiness.


  • I’m not saying that I think of you constantly, but I can’t deny the fact that each time my mind wanders, it always finds some way back to you.


  • I’m tired of loving you and hoping you’ll do the same.


  • If only life was fair, but I understand it’s not, that’s why you cannot love me.


  • If only you knew that I’ll do anything, you’ll leave him for me.


  • If only you know how much my heart beats for you, then you’ll know your thrall over my heart.


  • If only, if only,” that’s been my anthem since I set eyes on you.


  • If someone doesn’t fight to keep you, never fight yourself to stay.


  • If you want me falling for you, then you have to give me something worth tripping over.


  • I’m jealous of the people you hugged, Coz for a moment they held my whole world.


  • In my dreams, I felt complete and utter love, only to wake up with sadness and loneliness.


  • In the bottom of my heart lies a secret which I have never told a soul in the world. There is an image of this person who is dearest to me and closer than anything else.


  • In those beautiful eyes, it’s a pity I cannot share in its grace.


  • It hurts when you have someone in your heart but you can’t have them in your arms.


  • It’s a pity your heart beats for someone else because I cannot cage my heart to do the same.


  • It’s amazing how you could just accomplish so many things by doing nothing. That’s what you do to me when you make me smile just by smiling.


  • It’s funny how a person can break your heart, and you can still love them with all the little pieces.


  • It’s hard to wait around for something that you know might never happen. But it’s even harder to give up when you know it’s everything you want.


  • My heart is broken, you hold the pieces but cannot mend them.


  • My heart is hollow and only you can fill it, yet it remains empty.


  • My life has been a continuum of unanswered prayers and you bear the largest portion of that.


  • One word from you would make my whole day bright, dear crush.

  • People do incredible things for love, particularly for unrequited love.


  • Perhaps unrequited love was a spectre in the house, a presence that brushed at the edge of senses, a heat in the dark, and a shadow under the sun.


  • Problems can be fixed. But unrequited love is a tragedy.


  • Seeing you with someone else is the definition of hell.

  • Some say that one-sided love is better than none, but like half a loaf of bread, it is likely to grow hard and mouldy sooner.


  • Somehow, I don’t know how you can miss seeing, how much I love you.


  • There are worse things than a broken heart. Like the love that you don’t explore.


  • They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Thus, I’m insane because of you, I just can’t stop hoping.


  • They say, “love is beautiful”. But If I love you so much, why do I still feel lost?


  • Those eyes that have been my sun, it pains to see them shining for another.


  • Was I wrong for ever-loving you? Because that’s how I’ve been feeling ever since I first saw you.


  • We cannot be friends anymore. What good is it, when I get to hear your love for someone else?


  • Would it be inhumane to wish you sadness, that I may bring me happiness?


  • You have so much power over me to make me happy or sad. Yet the only thing you’ve ever done has been the latter by saying no.


  • You know you’ve got it bad when you miss something you never had. At least even for a little while, I was the reason behind your smile.


  • You like someone who can’t like you back because unrequited love can survive in a way that once-requited love cannot.

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