Southern Connecticut State University Programs

Southern Connecticut State University University majors and acceptance rate

Southern Connecticut State University University, located in the Northwest region of the United States provides exemplary graduate and undergraduate education in the liberal arts and professional disciplines. As an intentionally diverse and comprehensive university, Southern is committed to academic excellence, access, social justice, and service for the public good.



Is Southern Connecticut State University University hard to get into?

The acceptance rate at Southern Connecticut State University University is 80%. For every 100 applicants, 80 are admitted. This means the school is not selective; not hard to get into. The selection process for students is based on outstanding academic achievement, innovation, and curiosity.



Is Southern Connecticut State University University a good school?

Southern Connecticut State University University is a good school that provides exemplary graduate and undergraduate education in the liberal arts and professional disciplines.



What is Southern Connecticut State University University known for?

Southern Connecticut State University University is known for being one of the Top Performers on Social Mobility in the Regional Universities North group.



Is Southern Connecticut State University a party school?

Yes, Southern Connecticut State University University is a party school.



What major is Southern Connecticut State University University known for?

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