DAAD Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in Germany, 2019

The German Academic Exchange Service or DAAD (German: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in Germany, 2019

The German Academic Exchange Service or DAAD (German: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) is offering study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film. This scholarship is available for foreign students.
The DAAD supports over 100,000 German and international students und researchers around the globe each year – making it the world’s largest funding organisation of its kind. They also promote internationalisation efforts at German universities, help developing countries build their own systems of higher education, and support German Studies and German language programmes abroad. Artists-in-Berlin Program is one of the most renowned international scholarship programmes for artists.

DAAD Scholarship description:

  • Application Deadline: September 30, 2019
  • Course Level: The studentships are available to graduates.
  • Study Subject: The studentships are awarded in the field of Architecture.
  • Award: 
    • Monthly payment of 850 euros
    • Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding
    • One-off study allowance
    • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover



  • Under certain circumstances, scholarship holders may receive the following additional benefits:

    • Monthly rent subsidy
    • Monthly allowance for accompanying members of the family



  • To enable scholarship holders to learn German in preparation for their stay in the country, DAAD offers the following services:

    • Payment of course fees for the online language course “Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO)” for six months after receipt of the Award Letter
    • If necessary: Language course (2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the study visit; DAAD decides whether to fund participation and for how long depending on German language skills and project. Participation in a language course is compulsory if the language of instruction or working language is German at the German host institution.
    • Allowance for a personally chosen German language course during the program period
    • Reimbursement of the fees for the TestDaF test which has either been taken in the home country after receipt of the Award Letter or in Germany before the end of the funding period.
    • As an alternative to the TestDaF for scholarship holders who have taken a language course beforehand: the fee for a DSH examination taken during the program period may be reimbursed.
  • Number of Awards: Not known
  • Nationality: Foreign students
  • The award can be taken in Germany

DAAD Scholarship Eligibility::

  • Eligible Countries: Foreign students are eligible to apply for this application programme.
  • Entrance Requirements: Foreign applicants who have gained a first university degree in the areas of Architecture, Interior Design, Monument Conservation, Urban Planning/Urban Development, Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Planning at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported study programme.
  • English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

DAAD Scholarship Application Procedure:

How to Apply: The application procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal. You are also required to send additional documents by post to the specified application address.

Please note that the access to the application portal only appears while the current application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is not available until the next application period.

The access to the DAAD portal generally opens about 6 weeks before the application deadline at the latest.

DAAD Scholarship Application documents

Certificates, proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and uploaded to the DAAD portal. DAAD’s Head Office in Bonn will only request certified copies of the submitted documents in paper form if a grant is awarded!

  1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal:
  • Online application form
  • Full curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • Statement about academic and personal reasons for the planned study project in Germany (letter of motivation; 1 – 3 pages)

Master’s degree programme/postgraduate study programme leading to a final qualification:

  • Form “Information about your preferred master programmes”
  • If available, a letter of acceptance from the host university.
    If you do not have a letter of acceptance at the time of application, you must apply to the university for this in good time and subsequently submit the confirmation letter before the program-supported study programme begins. Please note that you yourself are responsible for ensuring that you apply for admission at the host university by the due date and that an Award Letter from the DAAD only becomes valid if you are admitted to your chosen host university.

Complementary studies not leading to a final qualification:

  • Confirmation of supervision from a German university teacher

Also for all applicants:

  • All university certificates on all annual examinations with individual grade(s), incl. explanation of the grading system.
  • German or English translations of all documents submitted in the national language.
  • University degree certificate indicating final grade(s): the certificate must be subsequently submitted before the program-supported study programme begins if studies have not been completed at the time of application.
  • A list of all submitted designs/plans (see: www.daad.de/extrainfo) with detailed information (size, date of creation, place, etc.)
  • A declaration (form) that the designs/plans have been produced or created by the applicant or the names of those persons involved in producing collaborative designs or plans. In the case of collaborative work or projects, the applicant’s own contribution must be marked as such or appropriately described.
  • Proof of German language proficiency according to the European Framework of References for Languages or the Test-DaF for study programmes in German.
  • Proof of English language proficiency according to the requirements of the chosen study programme in English (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS).
  • The language certificate should be no more than two years old.
  • Other documents you think might be of relevance to your application (e.g. certificates of employment, proof of placements).

Please do not upload any work samples and/or portfolios to the DAAD portal!
2. To be submitted by post:

  • A portfolio of work samples (for formal requirements, read: “Additional Information for DAAD Study Scholarships in the Field of Architecture” at www.daad.de/extrainfo. Please do not upload any work samples and/or portfolios to the DAAD portal!
  • The printed “Cover sheet to application” of the “Application summary” which is generated in the portal in PDF format after the online application has been completed;
  • One recent reference from a university teacher providing information about your qualifications (hand-signed, no digital or scanned signature); please enclose the reference with your postal application in a sealed envelope. Please regard the instructions given on the tab “Submitting an application“.

All application documents listed under 1. and 2. must be submitted in German or English. Documents in other languages must be translated.

Application Form

Scholarship Link

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