Delaware Valley University Programs & Acceptance

Delaware Valley University majors and acceptance rate

Located in the Northwest region of the United States, Delaware Valley University is dedicated to encouraging and facilitating an environment where students can realize their dreams. Students graduate with the skills necessary to pursue careers that provide personal satisfaction, impact the greater good, and make a difference in the issues that matter most to them.



Is Delaware Valley University hard to get into?

The acceptance rate at Delaware Valley University is 92%. For every 100 applicants, 92 are admitted. This means the school is not selective; not hard to get into. The selection process for students is based on outstanding academic achievement, innovation, and curiosity.



Is Delaware Valley University a good school?

Delaware Valley University is a good school that provides students with the requisite skills and a spirit of inquiry that enrich and inform their lives, prepare them to pursue meaningful careers, and fulfill societal, community, and family responsibilities.



What is Delaware Valley University known for?

Delaware Valley University is known for being one of the country’s first land-grant educational institutions. DSU enjoys a long history as one of America’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).



Is Delaware Valley University a party school?

No, Delaware Valley University is not a party school.



What major is Delaware Valley University known for?

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