Frequently Asked Questions and Answers On NYSC CDS

I want to believe you have read the Complete Guide to NYSC Orientation Camp. After deployment to various PPA (Place of Primary Assignment), it is expected that NYSC Youth Corps members would have some questions regarding Community Development Service (CDS). So, here are the frequently most asked CDS questions.

  • Question: Can a Youth Corps member belong to more than one CDS group
    Answer: No. This is because every NYSC Youth Corps member must be committed to his/her group and ensure full participation in their activities for maximum output.


  • Question: Can a Youth Corps member choose a CDS group that he/she will be assigned
    Answer: No. It is the responsibility of Local Government Inspector to assign NYSC Youth Corps members as appropriate except in cases where the NYSC Youth Corps member joined a specialised group on camp and has received some level of training for his/her assigned role.

  • Question: Should a Youth Corps member’s individual CDS project commitment interfere with his/her primary assignment
    Answer: No. NYSC Youth Corps member’s individual CDS activities should be carried out during NYSC Youth Corps member’s spare time and must not affect his/her official responsibilities in the place of primary assignment and group CDS activities.


  • Question: Should I as a Corps member get approval before embarking on personal CDS project
    Answer: Yes. To ensure proper documentation, guidance and supervision a proposal must be forwarded as stated in this handbook and approval received before embarking on project implementation.


  • Question: How often should I (NYSC Youth Corps member) submit a report on personal CDS project
    Answer: It is expected that NYSC Youth Corps members carrying out personal CDS project submit at least three(3) progress reports in line with the phases of project implementation. A completion report on the project must as well be submitted in addition to the three (3) progress reports stated above.


  • Question: Is it automatic that I must get an award once I carry out a personal CDS project
    Answer: No. The over-arching objective of every CDS project is to contribute to the well being of the society, to leave a mark of honour and a legacy worthy of emulation behind. Therefore, carrying out CDS project does not translate to winning an award and the scheme is not under compulsion to reward you for carrying out a community development project.

  • Question: As a Youth Corps member, what are the likely benefits for me in carrying out CDS projects
    Answer: As a  Youth Corps member, the sense of self-fulfilment that comes with adding value to the lives of people/communities cannot be estimated in monetary terms. Furthermore, the immense appreciation shown by communities as well as project beneficiaries coupled with the skill acquired in project management is of great value to committed NYSC Youth Corps members who execute CDS projects in the course of the service year. However, the scheme also provides an opportunity for NYSC Youth Corps members, based on a procedure of selection, evaluation and verification of CDS projects, performance in the place of primary assignment, orientation course and winding up activities to give awards in the following areas:
  1. State Coordinator’s Letter of Commendation
  2. Local Government Honours Award
  3. State Government Honours Award
  4. Presidential Honours Award.

In Conclusion:
The Community Development Service is a programme undertaken by all NYSC Youth Corps members throughout the service year. As one of the four (4) cardinal programmes of the scheme, CDS enables NYSC Youth Corps members to register their physical presence in their host communities. Furthermore, opportunities are given for harnessing the creativity of NYSC Youth Corps members for the rapid development of the host community with the active participation of community members.

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