55 List of Best Courses To Study For Jobs

Courses with high employment rate, that is, best employment opportunities and highest paying courses in Nigeria, UK and United States

As some had done in the past, I deem it fit to share with you the list of best courses to study for jobs. For every course, there will also be someone with great interest to study them. We are in a generation where we have many universities, many students, many graduates but with very few employment opportunities.

Although the acts of getting a job remain the same, after much consideration I felt it would be nice to list out those courses with high employment rate, that is, best employment opportunities and highest paying courses in Nigeria.
These courses are in high demand by especially employers mostly because of the skills attached. Some of these courses listed below would either mould you to become your own boss or give you a high chance of been employed after schooling.

These are the most marketable course in Nigeria, UK and United States. Moreover, your country does not matter, if you study one of this course below, you will get employed anywhere you present your degree certificate as long as you can defend it.

It took days to come up with the list of best courses to study for jobs and please this list was not published to influence your decision on which course to study – moreover, if you’re here looking for the best courses to study for jobs, then you’re on your own. If you wish to check for this courses admission requirement, use the search bar at the homepage below.

These are the degree courses with best employment opportunities

  1. Computer Science (requires Masters to be relevant)
  2. Cyber Security Science
  3. Aeronautical Engineering
  4. Energy and Petroleum Studies
  5. Medicine and Surgery
  6. Architecture
  7. Chinese Language
  8. Petroleum and Gas Engineering
  9. Civil Engineering
  10. Communication Technology and Wireless Technology
  11. Criminology and Securities Studies
  12. Dentistry and Dental Surgery
  13. Economics with Operation Research
  14. Education and French
  15. Educational Foundations and Administration
  16. English and International Studies
  17. Environmental Management and Toxicology
  18. Environmental Protection Resources Management
  19. Fashion Design and Clothing Technology
  20. Film and Video Studies
  21. Food Technology
  22. Forensic Science
  23. French and International Relation
  24. Geology and Mineral Science
  25. Glass Design
  26. Industrial Design
  27. Industrial Physics and Renewable Energy
  28. Information and Media Technology
  29. Intelligence and Security Studies
  30. International Relations and Strategic Studies
  31. Law
  32. Marine Biology and Fisheries
  33. Mechanical Engineering
  34. Medical Rehabilitation
  35. Metallurgical Engineering
  36. Microbiology and Brewing
  37. Mining Engineering
  38. Molecular Biology
  39. Nursing/Nursing Science
  40. Nutrition and Dietetics
  41. Oceanography/Marine Science and Technology
  42. Optometry
  43. Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  44. Physics and Computational Modelling
  45. Political Science and Conflict Resolution
  46. Polymer Engineering
  47. Psychology
  48. Shipping and Maritime Technology
  49. Software Engineering
  50. Special Education
  51. Sports science
  52. Telecommunication Management
  53. Transport and Planning

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