Courses under Local Government Administration

Courses Under Local Government Administration

On this article, I am going to list out some Local Government Administration course outlines in Nigeria Universities which you will study before you can to become a Local Government Administration graduate. Normally, a course outline should contain; course name, course description, course hours etc… but I am going to skip that information and go straight to Local Government Administration subjects for university students.

I will only list out the course names excluding  GST Courses and those courses with part II and III to avoid too much information. There is no guarantee that the listed Local Government Administration subjects (courses) will be fully covered in your school because universities in Nigeria does not use a uniform curriculum.

Nevertheless, you will study 97% of Local Government Administration courses listed here.
The following Local Government Administration courses listed here do not follow the traditional course structure and they have been arranged in alphabetical order. Notwithstanding, the list here covers 100 level courses, 200 level courses 300 courses and 400 level courses.

The following are the list of Courses in Local Government Administration

  • Committees in a Local Government Council
  • Organizational Structure of a Local Government
  • Inter-Local Relation
  • State-Local Relation
  • Federal-Local Relations
  • Federal-State-Local Relation
  • Levels and Patterns of Intergovernmental Relation
  • Intergovernmental Relation
  • Reasons for Poor Performance of Local Government in National Development
  • Role of Local Government in National Development
  • Commission Type of Local Government
  • Council-Manager Type of Local Government
  • The Communist Type of Local Government
  • Prefectural Type of Local Government
  • Parliamentary Type of Local Government
  • Presidential Type of Local Government
  • Types of Local Government
  • Accountability Theory of Local Government
  • Democracy Theory of Local Government
  • Efficiency Theory of Local Government
  • Theories of Local Government
  • Sources of Local Government Finance
  • Local Government Finance
  • Local Government under Babandida Administration
  • The 1976 Local Government Reform
  • Local Government in Post Colonial Era
  • Local Government during the Colonial Administration
  • Development of Local Government in Pre-colonial Era
  • Evolution of Local Government
  • Control of Local Government
  • Problems of Local Government
  • Problems & Control of Local Government
  • Merits and Demerits of Decentralization
  • Measurement of Decentralization
  • Structure of Local Government
  • Decentralization
  • Functions of Local Government
  • Justification for Local Government
  • Rational for Creating Local Government

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