NYSC Monthly Allowance Clearance Letter Samples and tips
As a corp member, you’re entitled to Federal Government monthly allowance and if you’re fortunate, you may also get a monthly allowance from the State Government of your PPA (Place of Primary Assignment). If your PPA is a private establishment, for example, a private school, you may receive monthly allowance too. (Triple dose)
To receive Federal Government monthly allowance, you must present NYSC monthly clearance letter to the State NYSC Zonal Inspector. This letter simply means you have been active in your Place of Primary Assignment and your employer has given you the go-ahead to receive the monthly allowance.
Many PPA (Place of Primary Assignment) especially new establishments do not have a template for NYSC monthly clearance letter so you will have to create a template for yourself and present to them for signing every month.
There are two types of NYSC monthly clearance letter –
- Clearance Letter written without PPA’s letter headed paper
- Clearance letter written with PPA’s letter headed paper
Recent update – In other to monitor corpers and the flow of payments, biometrics has been introduced in some State. This means you cannot receive allowee until you submit a clearance letter and thumbprint your present. Biometric is available in few Nigeria States.
NYSC Monthly Clearance Advice
Make a Photocopy of the clearance from your PPA and make sure it is signed.
- Your PPA must leave a comment on the letter (you can use the same comment throughout)
Take it to LGA
Make sure you are properly kitted in the correct NYSC Attire. This is when officials would be looking for every reason to frustrate you.
Join the queue… don’t rush
If your clearance Letter doesn’t follow due order, you may not get paid until after nine months when NYSC will go through records to see who and who is yet to collect their full allowee.
Mind you, your letter won’t be checked at the point of submission so you must submit a correct, stamped and dated letter as seen on the sample below.
Your letter must carry the previous month date
You’re to sign compulsorily three times on the NYSC monthly clearance letter… check this image below to see where to sign
Do you want to get a complete view of an authentic NYSC Monthly Clearance Letter? Access Fee
If your payment was successful, you will be automatically redirected to where you can view/download the clearance letter. Shalom!
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This was helpful and thanks a lot