Best Student Strategies for Effective Learning and Success

Every student has the ability to thrive at university or college. Students who thrive are interested in what they are studying and lead balanced lives. They are engaged with others, their studies and the university, and determined to reach their goals. They possess skills that help them live a good life at university, even in difficult and pressured times.

Looking after your mind and body is an important part of study stamina as it helps avoid burnout. Prioritise your health and wellbeing at all times, not just during downtimes or highly pressured times. By doing so, you will learn better and enjoy a higher quality of life.

University or college is challenging and sometimes frustrating. You will not always get what you want and how you want it. To succeed as a university or college student, you must set a goal and work towards it. … Strategies for effective learning may differ because no two students are the same but if you follow the steps below, success is yours

Do it!

  • Go to lectures
  • Participate in-class activities
  • Do your reading alone or in a group
  • Talk about your classes after class
  • Use the library – You will know better than what you are taught

Be organised

  • Set a timetable
  • Have a study routine
  • Use a wall planner with assignment due dates

Keep a balance in life

  • Connect with people – it is safer than mingling
  • Look after yourself because classes and exams will commerce whether you’re there or not
  • Manage your money, be stingy with it

Know why you are studying

  • Goals help your motivation and resilience when things get hard
  • Whether you were born with or without a silver spoon, knowledge knows no such

Ask when you need to:
University is about asking questions, so

  • Ask sooner, rather than later
  • Relate with your advisor
  • Build on what you know
  • Access the services that are available to you


  • Regular lecture attendance increases your chances of passing and getting good grades.
  • Sleep-deprived people have 19 per cent less memory than those who sleep well.
  • Managing money is a skill you can learn and practise.
  • Students who have university goals that relate to who they are, their values, beliefs and interests are more likely to be engaged and motivated.
  • Students who seek help early experience better outcomes.
  • Take a look at how you are currently spending your time. Which activities will you need to spend less time on to have enough time for your studies
  • In order for you to excel in what you do, you must use every opportunity available to you and never take it for granted. Whether it contributes directly to your academic success or maybe your personal growth, there is great value in every opportunity and learning process
  • Ask for help every time you need it. Sometimes it can be hard to know who to ask, but people will lead you to the right place. It’s a cliché, but no question is too small, and every bit of help can add to your success


For effective learning, create your study space:

If you have a roommate, then, space is so important. Wherever that space is, ideally, it should be as personal and private as possible, a place where you are comfortable and connected! As you create and negotiate your space, think about what you need. Do you need a quiet space with very few distractions If this space is not readily available at the hostel, where will you study Will you be able to negotiate to study at a neighbour’s house during the day, or in a church hall or a library

For effective learning negotiate support:

Your study success is not only dependent on your own efforts – you need other people, such as your course mate, room/hostel mate, family, employer and friends. Negotiating the support of others means that you will help the people in your life understand the demands of learning and that you will communicate your challenges, successes and needs in terms of your studies. Negotiation is a give and take situation – you also have to think about what you can give back to those who support you.

This can range from giving others feedback about your study process, spending time with them when you are not studying and including them when you reward yourself for your success. And, of course, don’t forget about getting the necessary support to cover the cost of your studies.

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