Wayne State University majors and acceptance rate
Located in the Midwest region of the united state, Founded in 1868, Wayne State University is a nationally recognized metropolitan research institution offering more than 370 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to nearly 29,000 students. Wayne State’s main campus in Midtown Detroit comprises 100 buildings over 200 acres; its six extension centers offer higher education to students throughout Southeast Michigan.
Is Wayne State University hard to get into?
The acceptance rate at Wayne State University is 69%. For every 100 applicants, 69 are admitted. This means the school is not selective; not hard to get into. You have a great chance of getting accepted if you meet Wayne State University’s requirements for GPA, SAT/ACT scores, and other application components.
Is Wayne State University a good school?
Yes, Wayne State University is a good school that prepares a diverse student body to thrive and positively, impact local and global communities. Their guiding values cut across organizational boundaries, bind them culturally, and permeate their strategic and tactical initiatives
What is Wayne State University known for?
Wayne State University is known for its endless opportunities to conduct research, accelerate health care and social justice work in their community, and contribute to the city’s culture and growth, Detroit is a place like no other. The campus is buzzing with energy, offering the ultimate destination for you to grow while connecting with others and experiencing new things.
The followings are popular majors at Wayne State University:
- Psychology
- International business/trade/commerce
- Biology/biological sciences
- Public health
- Computer and information sciences
- Organizational behavior studies
- Registered nursing/registered nurse
- Marketing/marketing management
- Finance
- Social work
- Physical education teaching and coaching
- Accounting
- Health professions and related clinical sciences
- Criminal justice/safety studies
- Mechanical engineering
- Apparel and textile marketing management
- Management information systems
- Foods, nutrition, and wellness studies
- Political science and government
- Electrical and electronics engineering
- English language and literature
- Sociology
- Speech communication and rhetoric
- Elementary education and teaching
- Music
- Communication sciences and disorders
- Chemical engineering
- Civil engineering
- Journalism
- Secondary education and teaching
- Chemistry
- Art/art studies
- Economics
- Drama and dramatics/theatre arts
- Public relations/image management
- Anthropology
- Industrial engineering
- Funeral direction/service
- Public administration
- Cinematography and film/video production
- Special education and teaching
- Bioengineering and biomedical engineering
- Foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Dance
- History
- Medical radiologic technology/science , radiation therapist
- Radio and television
- Philosophy
- Mechanical engineering/mechanical technology/technician
- Electrical, electronic and communications
- Engineering technology
- Construction engineering technology/technician
- Foreign languages and literatures
- Environmental science
- Physics
- Liberal arts and sciences/liberal studies
- Urban studies/affairs
- Clinical laboratory science/medical technology/technologist
- Health teacher education
- Physical sciences
- German language and literature
- Geology/earth science
- African, american/black studies
- Computer technology/computer systems technology
- Linguistics
- Neuroscience
- East asian studies
- Art history, criticism and conservation
- Economics
- Dietetics/dietitian
- Financial mathematics
- Slavic languages, literatures, and linguistics
- Middle/near eastern and semitic languages, literatures, and linguistics
- Sport and fitness administration/management
- Ethnic, cultural minority, gender, and group studies
- Educational/instructional technology
- Classics and classical languages, literatures, and linguistics
- Labor and industrial relations
- Russian, central european, east european and eurasian studies
- Astronomy
- Social studies teacher education
- Electromechanical technology/electromechanical
- Engineering technology
- Labor studies