12 JAMB Efacility Step by Step Guides

How to use JAMB Efacility, The Step by Step Guides

JAMB efacility portal is a place where you can do a lot of things right from your bedroom. You no longer have to visit the cafe except when you want to print out some documents. JAMB efacility portal had made things easy for students of any level. Entry level students, direct entry students, those who want to study part-time and sandwiches students can make use of JAMB Efacility portal. Anyone interested in studying at NOUN can also make an easy payment from JAMB Efacility Portal.
As I said, this is a step by step guide. When you visit JAMB Efacility Portal, you must log in to access the dashboard. Your JAMB Efacility username and password is the same username you used during your first JAMB registration. JAMB Efacility username is your email address. JAMB Efacility password must be the same password used during registration.
After a successful login to the dashboard, you will see your name, registration number and a welcome message. Below that, you are given the option to select the year you want to retrieve information from. For example, if you wrote JAMB in the year 2018 and you were given admission, you can select 2018 UTME. JAMB would retrieve all your data and from here you can head over to print admission letter. Ensure you select the correct year you want to get information from and until JAMB releases result of a current year, you may not find the year among the list.

JAMB Efacility Profile
Click to visit jamb efacility profile

Profile on JAMB Efacility:
You can view your profile from this place. But you can’t make any corrections. I will show you where to apply for correction as you read all. Clicking on the image will take you directly to your JAMB Efacility profile.
noun registration jamb efacility
Click to visit NOUN registration on jamb efacility

NOUN registration:
You don’t have to bother yourself going to and fro NOUN nearest centres or bank to pay for NOUN registration. From JAMB Efacility Portal dashboard, you can make easy payment. Clicking on the image will take you directly to your JAMB Efacility NOUN registration.
part-time on jamb efacilit
Click to visit Part-Time on JAMB Efacility

Part-time registration:
With JAMB Efacility Portal, you can now pay for a part-time registration. JAMB would in return make your name available to schools offering part-time programs without you stressing.
sandwitch registration on jamb efacility
Click to visit Sandwich registration on JAMB Efacility

Sandwich registration:
Although Sandwich is also a part-time programme, it is specifically designed for teachers. So if you’re one of such, you can easily register for a sandwich programme on JAMB Efacility.
print jamb slip on jamb efacility
Click to print JAMB UTME examination slip on JAMB Efacility

JAMB UTME Examination slip:
Prior to JAMB examination day, you can print out your JAMB slip as many time as possible free of charge.
jamb mock result on jamb efacility
Click to print jamb mock result on jamb efacility

Check UTME JAMB MOCK examination results:
This section is meant for those who participated in the JAMB MOCK examination. The purpose of JAMB MOCK exam is to get you familiar with examination procedures and also prepare you to pass JAMB questions.
print jamb result on jamb efacility
Click to print jamb result on jamb efacility

Print results slip:
This section of JAMB Efacility makes it easy for you to print out your result old or current result JAMB result which is every necessary for admission screening.
Admission letter on JAMB Efacility
Click to print Admission letter on jamb efacility

Admission letter:
From this place in JAMB Efacility Portal, you can download your admission letter (if you have been offered admission and have accepted the admission). Admission letter is a requirement for departmental screening.
regularize jamb on jamb efacility
Click to regularize jamb through jamb efacility

Regularise admission:
If you got admission through direct entry into any Nigeria university without passing through JAMB, it means you have no record with JAMB, no registration number, no admission letter and as such, not qualify for NYSC. To correct that, JAMB expects you to visit JAMB Efacility and regularise your admission. Thus, JAMB regularisation is the process of adding required information on JAMB database through JAMB Efacility in other to qualify for NYSC. Visit to read more.
my payment on jamb efacility
Click to visit my payment on jamb efacility

My payment:
This section displays all your payment record in one place. You can view pending payment and successful payment at one sitting. Also, you can complain through this portal if you’re having issues with payment.
check jamb admission status on jamb efacility
Click to check jamb admission status on jamb efacility

Check admission status:
This is where you check if you’ve been admitted or not. Checking admission status on JAMB Efacility is free. You can accept or reject provisional admission through JAMB CAPS
Now, this is not all you can do on JAMB CAPS Efacility Portal, there is a three line at the top right of JAMB Efacility website. Click on that four lines and you will see a large drop down menu like the image below.

From this menu, you can perform extra actions such as; Change of data, retrieve registration data, change UTME to Direct Entry, download JAMB brochure and many more.
I believe, you now know JAMB Efacility entails and how to use it. You can also check JAMB CAPS and steps to accept or reject provisional letter.

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