Looking for a bachelor’s degrees course list? you are reading the right page. Getting a bachelor’s degree can open access to job opportunities, expose you to new ideas, and boost your earning potential. Yet, choosing one from the stream of bachelor’s degrees course list can be a daunting task especially if you do not know or have yet to make a choice of career.
It is true that many will choose a specific bachelor’s degree course based on their career path and there are well over 2000 career paths in the world.
How many bachelor’s degrees are there?
A bachelor’s degree is a four-five year degree that provides students with courses in general education, natural science, liberal arts, electives, and a major of their choice. There are well over 4000 bachelor’s degrees in the world.
bachelor’s degree requirements
Because each country has different requirements, curricula, and syllabi for their secondary programmes, it’s possible that what’s required for studies in South Africa will be different from Nigeria. Nevertheless, the general entry requirements for bachelor’s studies in most countries is that you must have successfully completed your upper secondary (high school) education
Moreover, most bachelor’s degree courses listed here have specific entry requirements in addition to the general requirements. These are often linked to the area of study. For example, a Literature course may require proficiency and a credit pass in the English Language
As mentioned earlier, there are well over 4000 bachelor’s degree courses. I have narrowed down these courses to 536. These courses listed on this page are popular bachelor’s degree courses which most countries offer. You may check with your school of choice to know their degree programs.
The information contained on this page is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as final advice on the subject matter.
bachelor’s degree courses list
- Accounting
- Accounting Education
- Accounting Technology
- Actuarial Science
- Actuarial Science and Insurance
- Adult Education
- Adult and Community Education
- Adult and Continuing Education
- Adult and Non-Fiction Education
- Aeronautical Engineering
- Agric Cooperative Management
- Agric Extension Services
- Agric Extension and Communication Technology
- Agric Extension and Rural Development
- Agric Extension and Rural Sociology
- Agric-Economics and Extension
- Agricultural Administration
- Agricultural Business
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Economics and Farm Management
- Agricultural Engineering
- Agricultural Production and Management Science and Education
- Agricultural Resources Extension
- Agricultural Science
- Agricultural Science and Education
- Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering
- Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
- Agricultural and Management Engineering
- Agronomy
- Anatomy
- Anatomy and Histology
- Animal Biology and Environment
- Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Animal Nutrition
- Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology
- Animal Physiology
- Animal Production
- Animal Production and Fisheries
- Animal Production and Health
- Animal Production and Health Services
- Animal Science
- Animal Science and Fisheries
- Animal Science and Range Management
- Animal Science and Technology
- Animal and Environmental Biology
- Animal production
- Anthropology
- Applied Biochemistry
- Applied Biology
- Applied Biology and Biotechnology
- Applied Botany
- Applied Geology
- Applied Geophysics
- Applied Linguistics
- Applied Mathematics and Statistics
- Applied Mathematics with Statistics
- Applied Microbiology
- Applied Microbiology and Brewing
- Applied Science
- Applied Zoology
- Arabic Education
- Arabic Language
- Arabic Studies
- Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Automobile Engineering
- Automobile Technology Education
- Automotive Engineering
- Banking and Finance
- Biochemistry
- Bioethics
- Bioinformatics
- Biological Engineering
- Biological Science
- Biology
- Biology Education
- Biology and Fisheries
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Technology
- Bioresource Engineering
- Biotechnology
- Botany
- Botany and Microbiology
- Building
- Building Education
- Building Technology
- Building Technology Education
- Building and WoodWork Technology Education
- Business Administration
- Business Education
- Business Law
- Business Management
- Business and Entrepreneurship Studies
- Cell Biology and Genetics
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Sciences
- Chemical and Polymer Engineering
- Chemistry
- Chemistry Education
- Christian Religious Knowledge/Studies
- Christian Religious Studies Education
- Christian Studies
- Civil Engineering
- Civil Law
- Classical Studies
- Combinations for Geology
- Common-Law
- Communication Arts
- Communication Studies
- Communication Technology
- Communication Technology and Wireless Technology
- Communication and Language Arts
- Communication and Wireless Technology
- Comparative Religious Studies
- Computer Education
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Computer Science Education
- Computer Science and Information Science
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Computer Science and Mathematics
- Computer Science with Economics
- Computer and Communication Engineering
- Computer with Electronics
- Computer with Statistics
- Computer, Information and Communication Science
- Conflict and Peace Resolution
- Conservation Biology
- Cooperative Economics and Management
- Cooperative and Rural Development
- Counselor Education
- Creative Arts
- Creative and Visual Arts
- Criminology
- Criminology and Securities Studies
- Crop Production
- Crop Production Technology
- Crop Production and Landscape Management
- Crop Production and Protection
- Crop Production and Soil Science
- Crop Protection
- Crop Science
- Crop Science and Biotechnology
- Crop Science and Horticulture
- Crop Science and Production
- Crop Science and Technology
- Crop Soil and Environmental Science
- Crop and Environmental Protection
- Crop, Production and Horticulture
- Crop, Soil and Pest Management
- Curriculum Studies
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Cyber Security Science
- Data Management
- Demography and Social Statistics
- Dentistry and Dental Surgery
- Drama and Performing Art
- Early Childhood and Primary Education
- Earth Science
- Ecology
- Ecology and Environmental Studies
- Economics
- Economics Education
- Economics and Development Studies
- Economics and Mathematics
- Economics and Statistics
- Economics with Operation Research
- Ecotourism and Wildlife Management
- Education Technology
- Educational Administration
- Educational Foundations
- Educational Management
- Electrical Engineering
- Electrical and Information Engineering
- Electromechanical Engineering
- Electronics and Computer Engineering
- Elementary Education
- Energy Studies
- Energy and Petroleum Studies
- Engineering Physics
- English Language
- English Language Education
- English Language and Communication Studies
- English Language and Literature
- English Language and Literature Education
- English Studies
- English and International Studies
- English and Literary Studies
- Entrepreneurial Studies
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship Management Technology
- Environmental Biology and Fisheries
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Management
- Environmental Management Technology
- Environmental Management and Toxicology
- Environmental Protection Resources Management
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Science and Technology
- Estate Management
- Ethnobotany
- Family, Nutrition and Consumer Science
- Film and Video Studies
- Finance
- Financial Management Technology
- Fine Art Education
- Fine Art and Design
- Fine and Applied Arts
- Fine and Industrial Arts
- Fisheries
- Fisheries Management
- Fisheries Technology
- Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Fisheries and Aquatic Environment Management
- Fisheries and Wildlife Management
- Food Engineering
- Food Science
- Food Science and Business
- Food Science and Engineering
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Food Science and Technology
- Food Technology
- Forensic Science
- Forestry
- Forestry and Environmental Management
- Forestry and Environmental Technology
- Forestry and Wildlife Management
- Forestry and Wildlife Technology
- Forestry and Wood Technology
- Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries
- Forestry/Forest Resources Management
- French
- French Education
- French and International Relation
- Gas Engineering
- Gender Studies
- Genetics and Biotechnology
- Genetics and Cell Biology
- Geography
- Geography And Environmental Management
- Geography Education
- Geography Regional and Planning
- Geography and Geosciences
- Geography and Meteorology
- Geography and Planning
- Geography and Regional Planning
- Geology and Geophysics
- Geology and Mineral Science
- Geology and Mining
- Geology and Petroleum Studies
- Geophysics
- Geoscience
- Glass Design
- Government Education
- Government and Public Administration
- Guidance and Counselling
- Health And Safety Education
- Health Education
- History
- History Education
- History and Archaeology
- History and Diplomacy
- History and Diplomatic Studies
- History and International Relations
- History and International Studies
- History and Strategic Studies
- Home Economics
- Home Economics Education
- Home Economics and Food Management
- Home Science
- Home Science and Management
- Home Science, Nutrition and Dietetics
- Home and Hotel Management
- Horticulture
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Hotel and Tourism Management
- Human Anatomy
- Human Kinetics
- Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- Human Resources Management
- Industrial Chemistry
- Industrial Design
- Industrial Education Technology
- Industrial Engineering
- Industrial Mathematics
- Industrial Mathematics/Computer
- Industrial Microbiology
- Industrial Physics
- Industrial Physics and Applied Geophysics
- Industrial Physics and Renewable Energy
- Industrial Physics with Electronics and I.T Application
- Industrial Production Engineering
- Industrial Relations
- Industrial Relations and Human Resources Management
- Industrial Technical Education
- Industrial and Environmental Chemistry
- Industrial and Labour Relations
- Information Science and Media Studies
- Information System
- Information Technology
- Information Technology – Science
- Information and Communication Engineering
- Information and Communication Science
- Information and Communication Technology
- Information and Management Technology
- Information and Media Technology
- Insurance
- Insurance and Actuarial Science
- Insurance and Risk Management
- Integrated Science Education
- Intelligence and Security Studies
- International Relations
- International Relations and Diplomacy
- International Relations and Human Resources Management
- International Relationship and Strategic Studies
- International Studies
- International Studies and Diplomacy
- International and Comparative Politics
- Irrigation Engineering
- Islamic Studies Education
- Laboratory Technology
- Land Surveying
- Language Arts Education
- Languages and Linguistics
- Languages and Literature
- Law
- Law and Economics
- Law and Society
- Library Science
- Library and Information Science
- Library and Information Studies
- Linguistics
- Linguistics and African Languages
- Literature In English Language
- Livestock Production Technology
- Local Government Administration
- Management Information System
- Management Studies
- Management Technology
- Management and Entrepreneurship
- Marine Biology
- Marine Biology and Fisheries
- Marine Engineering
- Marine Science and Technology
- Maritime Management Technology
- Marketing
- Marketing and Advertising
- Mass Communication
- Mass Communication and Media Technology
- Materials Engineering
- Mathematical Finance
- Mathematical Sciences
- Mathematics
- Mathematics Education
- Mathematics With Computer Science
- Mathematics With Statistics
- Mathematics and Economics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical and Production Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Mechatronics and System Engineering
- Media and Communication Studies
- Medical Biochemistry
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Medical Rehabilitation
- Medicine and Surgery
- Metal Work Technology Education
- Metallurgical Engineering
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Meteorology
- Microbiology
- Microbiology and Biotechnology
- Microbiology and Industrial Biotechnology
- Mining Engineering
- Modern Languages
- Molecular Biology
- Music
- Music Education
- Natural and Environmental Science
- Neuroscience
- Nursery and Primary Education
- Nursing Science
- Nutrition and Consumers Services
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Oceanography
- Office Management and Information
- Operations Research
- Optometry
- Parasitology and Entomology
- Pasture and Range Management
- Peace Studies
- Peace and Conflict Studies
- Peace and Development Studies
- Performing Arts
- Personnel Management
- Petrochemical Engineering
- Petroleum Chemistry
- Petroleum Engineering
- Petroleum Geology
- Petroleum and Gas Engineering
- Pharmaceutical Engineering
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Pharmacy
- Philosophy
- Philosophy and Religious Studies
- Physical Education
- Physical Recreation
- Physical Sciences
- Physical and Health Education
- Physics
- Physics Education
- Physics Electronics
- Physics and Applied Physics
- Physics and Astrology
- Physics and Computational Modelling
- Physics and Industrial Physics
- Physics and Solar Energy
- Physics with Electronics
- Physics with Material Science
- Physiology
- Physiology and Crop Production
- Physiotherapy
- Plant Biology
- Plant Breeding and Seed Science
- Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
- Plant Science
- Plant Science and Biotechnology
- Plant Science and Crop Production
- Plant Science and Forestry
- Plant Science and Microbiology
- Policy and Administrative Studies
- Policy and Strategic Studies
- Political Science
- Political Science Education
- Political Science and Conflict Resolution
- Political Science and Defense Studies
- Political Science and Diplomacy
- Political Science and International Relations
- Political Science and International Studies
- Political Science and Public Administration
- Political and Administrative Studies
- Politics and Sociology
- Polymer Engineering
- Polymer and Textile Engineering
- Population Studies
- Pre-Primary and Primary Education
- Primary Education Studies
- Production Engineering
- Project Management Technology
- Prosthesis and Orthopedic Technology
- Psychology
- Psychology Guidance and Counselling
- Public Administration
- Public Administration and Local Government
- Public Health Technology
- Public Relations and Advertising
- Public and Private International Law
- Pure Physics
- Pure and Applied Biology
- Pure and Applied Chemistry
- Pure and Applied Mathematics
- Pure and Applied Physics
- Pure and Industrial Chemistry
- Pure and Industrial Physics
- Quantity Surveying
- Radiography
- Religious Studies
- Religious and Cultural Studies
- Religious and Human Relations
- Remote Sensing and Geosciences Information System
- Rural Economy and Land Use
- Science Education
- Science Laboratory Technology
- Secretarial Administration
- Secretarial Education
- Shipping and Maritime Technology
- Social Justice
- Social Science Education
- Social Studies
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Sociology Education
- Sociology and Anthropology
- Software Engineering
- Soil Science
- Soil Science and Land Agro-Climatology
- Soil Science and Land Management
- Soil Science and Technology
- Soil and Environmental Management
- Special Education
- Sports Science
- Sports Science and Health Education
- Statistics
- Statistics and Demography
- Statistics/Computer Science
- Strategic studies
- Structural Engineering
- Subjects for Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
- Surveying and Geoinformatics
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Synthetic Biology
- Systems Engineering
- Teacher Education
- Technical Education
- Technological Management
- Technology and Vocational Education
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Telecommunication Management
- Telecommunication Science
- Telecommunication and Wireless Technology
- Textile Science and Technology
- Theater Arts
- Theater and Film Studies
- Theology
- Tourism Studies
- Transport Management Technology
- Transport and Planning
- Urban Studies
- Urban and Regional Planning
- Urban planning
- Veterinary Medicine
- Visual Art and Technology
- Vocational Education
- Vocational and Technical Education
- Water Resources Management and Agrometeorology
- Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
- Water Resources, Aquaculture and Fisheries Technology
- Wildlife Management
- Wood Production Engineering
- Wood Work Education
- Zoology
- Zoology and Aquaculture
- Zoology and Environmental Biology