500+ bachelor’s degree courses list

Looking for a bachelor’s degrees course list? you are reading the right page. Getting a bachelor’s degree can open access to job opportunities, expose you to new ideas, and boost your earning potential. Yet, choosing one from the stream of bachelor’s degrees course list can be a daunting task especially if you do not know or have yet to make a choice of career.

It is true that many will choose a specific bachelor’s degree course based on their career path and there are well over 2000 career paths in the world.


How many bachelor’s degrees are there?

A bachelor’s degree is a four-five year degree that provides students with courses in general education, natural science, liberal arts, electives, and a major of their choice. There are well over 4000 bachelor’s degrees in the world.


bachelor’s degree requirements

Because each country has different requirements, curricula, and syllabi for their secondary programmes, it’s possible that what’s required for studies in South Africa will be different from Nigeria. Nevertheless, the general entry requirements for bachelor’s studies in most countries is that you must have successfully completed your upper secondary (high school) education

Moreover, most bachelor’s degree courses listed here have specific entry requirements in addition to the general requirements. These are often linked to the area of study. For example, a Literature course may require proficiency and a credit pass in the English Language

As mentioned earlier, there are well over 4000 bachelor’s degree courses. I have narrowed down these courses to 536. These courses listed on this page are popular bachelor’s degree courses which most countries offer. You may check with your school of choice to know their degree programs.

The information contained on this page is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as final advice on the subject matter.

bachelor’s degree courses list

  1. Accounting
  2. Accounting Education
  3. Accounting Technology
  4. Actuarial Science
  5. Actuarial Science and Insurance
  6. Adult Education
  7. Adult and Community Education
  8. Adult and Continuing Education
  9. Adult and Non-Fiction Education
  10. Aeronautical Engineering
  11. Agric Cooperative Management
  12. Agric Extension Services
  13. Agric Extension and Communication Technology
  14. Agric Extension and Rural Development
  15. Agric Extension and Rural Sociology
  16. Agric-Economics and Extension
  17. Agricultural Administration
  18. Agricultural Business
  19. Agricultural Economics
  20. Agricultural Economics and Farm Management
  21. Agricultural Engineering
  22. Agricultural Production and Management Science and Education
  23. Agricultural Resources Extension
  24. Agricultural Science
  25. Agricultural Science and Education
  26. Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering
  27. Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
  28. Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
  29. Agricultural and Management Engineering
  30. Agronomy
  31. Anatomy
  32. Anatomy and Histology
  33. Animal Biology and Environment
  34. Animal Breeding and Genetics
  35. Animal Nutrition
  36. Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology
  37. Animal Physiology
  38. Animal Production
  39. Animal Production and Fisheries
  40. Animal Production and Health
  41. Animal Production and Health Services
  42. Animal Science
  43. Animal Science and Fisheries
  44. Animal Science and Range Management
  45. Animal Science and Technology
  46. Animal and Environmental Biology
  47. Animal production
  48. Anthropology
  49. Applied Biochemistry
  50. Applied Biology
  51. Applied Biology and Biotechnology
  52. Applied Botany
  53. Applied Geology
  54. Applied Geophysics
  55. Applied Linguistics
  56. Applied Mathematics and Statistics
  57. Applied Mathematics with Statistics
  58. Applied Microbiology
  59. Applied Microbiology and Brewing
  60. Applied Science
  61. Applied Zoology
  62. Arabic Education
  63. Arabic Language
  64. Arabic Studies
  65. Arabic and Islamic Studies
  66. Archaeology
  67. Architecture
  68. Automobile Engineering
  69. Automobile Technology Education
  70. Automotive Engineering
  71. Banking and Finance
  72. Biochemistry
  73. Bioethics
  74. Bioinformatics
  75. Biological Engineering
  76. Biological Science
  77. Biology
  78. Biology Education
  79. Biology and Fisheries
  80. Biomedical Engineering
  81. Biomedical Technology
  82. Bioresource Engineering
  83. Biotechnology
  84. Botany
  85. Botany and Microbiology
  86. Building
  87. Building Education
  88. Building Technology
  89. Building Technology Education
  90. Building and WoodWork Technology Education
  91. Business Administration
  92. Business Education
  93. Business Law
  94. Business Management
  95. Business and Entrepreneurship Studies
  96. Cell Biology and Genetics
  97. Chemical Engineering
  98. Chemical Sciences
  99. Chemical and Polymer Engineering
  100. Chemistry
  101. Chemistry Education
  102. Christian Religious Knowledge/Studies
  103. Christian Religious Studies Education
  104. Christian Studies
  105. Civil Engineering
  106. Civil Law
  107. Classical Studies
  108. Combinations for Geology
  109. Common-Law
  110. Communication Arts
  111. Communication Studies
  112. Communication Technology
  113. Communication Technology and Wireless Technology
  114. Communication and Language Arts
  115. Communication and Wireless Technology
  116. Comparative Religious Studies
  117. Computer Education
  118. Computer Engineering
  119. Computer Science
  120. Computer Science Education
  121. Computer Science and Information Science
  122. Computer Science and Information Technology
  123. Computer Science and Mathematics
  124. Computer Science with Economics
  125. Computer and Communication Engineering
  126. Computer with Electronics
  127. Computer with Statistics
  128. Computer, Information and Communication Science
  129. Conflict and Peace Resolution
  130. Conservation Biology
  131. Cooperative Economics and Management
  132. Cooperative and Rural Development
  133. Counselor Education
  134. Creative Arts
  135. Creative and Visual Arts
  136. Criminology
  137. Criminology and Securities Studies
  138. Crop Production
  139. Crop Production Technology
  140. Crop Production and Landscape Management
  141. Crop Production and Protection
  142. Crop Production and Soil Science
  143. Crop Protection
  144. Crop Science
  145. Crop Science and Biotechnology
  146. Crop Science and Horticulture
  147. Crop Science and Production
  148. Crop Science and Technology
  149. Crop Soil and Environmental Science
  150. Crop and Environmental Protection
  151. Crop, Production and Horticulture
  152. Crop, Soil and Pest Management
  153. Curriculum Studies
  154. Curriculum and Instruction
  155. Cyber Security Science
  156. Data Management
  157. Demography and Social Statistics
  158. Dentistry and Dental Surgery
  159. Drama and Performing Art
  160. Early Childhood and Primary Education
  161. Earth Science
  162. Ecology
  163. Ecology and Environmental Studies
  164. Economics
  165. Economics Education
  166. Economics and Development Studies
  167. Economics and Mathematics
  168. Economics and Statistics
  169. Economics with Operation Research
  170. Ecotourism and Wildlife Management
  171. Education Technology
  172. Educational Administration
  173. Educational Foundations
  174. Educational Management
  175. Electrical Engineering
  176. Electrical and Information Engineering
  177. Electromechanical Engineering
  178. Electronics and Computer Engineering
  179. Elementary Education
  180. Energy Studies
  181. Energy and Petroleum Studies
  182. Engineering Physics
  183. English Language
  184. English Language Education
  185. English Language and Communication Studies
  186. English Language and Literature
  187. English Language and Literature Education
  188. English Studies
  189. English and International Studies
  190. English and Literary Studies
  191. Entrepreneurial Studies
  192. Entrepreneurship
  193. Entrepreneurship Management Technology
  194. Environmental Biology and Fisheries
  195. Environmental Education
  196. Environmental Engineering
  197. Environmental Management
  198. Environmental Management Technology
  199. Environmental Management and Toxicology
  200. Environmental Protection Resources Management
  201. Environmental Science
  202. Environmental Science and Technology
  203. Estate Management
  204. Ethnobotany
  205. Family, Nutrition and Consumer Science
  206. Film and Video Studies
  207. Finance
  208. Financial Management Technology
  209. Fine Art Education
  210. Fine Art and Design
  211. Fine and Applied Arts
  212. Fine and Industrial Arts
  213. Fisheries
  214. Fisheries Management
  215. Fisheries Technology
  216. Fisheries and Aquaculture
  217. Fisheries and Aquatic Environment Management
  218. Fisheries and Wildlife Management
  219. Food Engineering
  220. Food Science
  221. Food Science and Business
  222. Food Science and Engineering
  223. Food Science and Nutrition
  224. Food Science and Technology
  225. Food Technology
  226. Forensic Science
  227. Forestry
  228. Forestry and Environmental Management
  229. Forestry and Environmental Technology
  230. Forestry and Wildlife Management
  231. Forestry and Wildlife Technology
  232. Forestry and Wood Technology
  233. Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries
  234. Forestry/Forest Resources Management
  235. French
  236. French Education
  237. French and International Relation
  238. Gas Engineering
  239. Gender Studies
  240. Genetics and Biotechnology
  241. Genetics and Cell Biology
  242. Geography
  243. Geography And Environmental Management
  244. Geography Education
  245. Geography Regional and Planning
  246. Geography and Geosciences
  247. Geography and Meteorology
  248. Geography and Planning
  249. Geography and Regional Planning
  250. Geology and Geophysics
  251. Geology and Mineral Science
  252. Geology and Mining
  253. Geology and Petroleum Studies
  254. Geophysics
  255. Geoscience
  256. Glass Design
  257. Government Education
  258. Government and Public Administration
  259. Guidance and Counselling
  260. Health And Safety Education
  261. Health Education
  262. History
  263. History Education
  264. History and Archaeology
  265. History and Diplomacy
  266. History and Diplomatic Studies
  267. History and International Relations
  268. History and International Studies
  269. History and Strategic Studies
  270. Home Economics
  271. Home Economics Education
  272. Home Economics and Food Management
  273. Home Science
  274. Home Science and Management
  275. Home Science, Nutrition and Dietetics
  276. Home and Hotel Management
  277. Horticulture
  278. Hospitality and Tourism
  279. Hospitality and Tourism Management
  280. Hotel and Tourism Management
  281. Human Anatomy
  282. Human Kinetics
  283. Human Nutrition and Dietetics
  284. Human Resources Management
  285. Industrial Chemistry
  286. Industrial Design
  287. Industrial Education Technology
  288. Industrial Engineering
  289. Industrial Mathematics
  290. Industrial Mathematics/Computer
  291. Industrial Microbiology
  292. Industrial Physics
  293. Industrial Physics and Applied Geophysics
  294. Industrial Physics and Renewable Energy
  295. Industrial Physics with Electronics and I.T Application
  296. Industrial Production Engineering
  297. Industrial Relations
  298. Industrial Relations and Human Resources Management
  299. Industrial Technical Education
  300. Industrial and Environmental Chemistry
  301. Industrial and Labour Relations
  302. Information Science and Media Studies
  303. Information System
  304. Information Technology
  305. Information Technology – Science
  306. Information and Communication Engineering
  307. Information and Communication Science
  308. Information and Communication Technology
  309. Information and Management Technology
  310. Information and Media Technology
  311. Insurance
  312. Insurance and Actuarial Science
  313. Insurance and Risk Management
  314. Integrated Science Education
  315. Intelligence and Security Studies
  316. International Relations
  317. International Relations and Diplomacy
  318. International Relations and Human Resources Management
  319. International Relationship and Strategic Studies
  320. International Studies
  321. International Studies and Diplomacy
  322. International and Comparative Politics
  323. Irrigation Engineering
  324. Islamic Studies Education
  325. Laboratory Technology
  326. Land Surveying
  327. Language Arts Education
  328. Languages and Linguistics
  329. Languages and Literature
  330. Law
  331. Law and Economics
  332. Law and Society
  333. Library Science
  334. Library and Information Science
  335. Library and Information Studies
  336. Linguistics
  337. Linguistics and African Languages
  338. Literature In English Language
  339. Livestock Production Technology
  340. Local Government Administration
  341. Management Information System
  342. Management Studies
  343. Management Technology
  344. Management and Entrepreneurship
  345. Marine Biology
  346. Marine Biology and Fisheries
  347. Marine Engineering
  348. Marine Science and Technology
  349. Maritime Management Technology
  350. Marketing
  351. Marketing and Advertising
  352. Mass Communication
  353. Mass Communication and Media Technology
  354. Materials Engineering
  355. Mathematical Finance
  356. Mathematical Sciences
  357. Mathematics
  358. Mathematics Education
  359. Mathematics With Computer Science
  360. Mathematics With Statistics
  361. Mathematics and Economics
  362. Mechanical Engineering
  363. Mechanical and Production Engineering
  364. Mechatronics Engineering
  365. Mechatronics and System Engineering
  366. Media and Communication Studies
  367. Medical Biochemistry
  368. Medical Laboratory Science
  369. Medical Rehabilitation
  370. Medicine and Surgery
  371. Metal Work Technology Education
  372. Metallurgical Engineering
  373. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
  374. Meteorology
  375. Microbiology
  376. Microbiology and Biotechnology
  377. Microbiology and Industrial Biotechnology
  378. Mining Engineering
  379. Modern Languages
  380. Molecular Biology
  381. Music
  382. Music Education
  383. Natural and Environmental Science
  384. Neuroscience
  385. Nursery and Primary Education
  386. Nursing Science
  387. Nutrition and Consumers Services
  388. Nutrition and Dietetics
  389. Oceanography
  390. Office Management and Information
  391. Operations Research
  392. Optometry
  393. Parasitology and Entomology
  394. Pasture and Range Management
  395. Peace Studies
  396. Peace and Conflict Studies
  397. Peace and Development Studies
  398. Performing Arts
  399. Personnel Management
  400. Petrochemical Engineering
  401. Petroleum Chemistry
  402. Petroleum Engineering
  403. Petroleum Geology
  404. Petroleum and Gas Engineering
  405. Pharmaceutical Engineering
  406. Pharmacology
  407. Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  408. Pharmacy
  409. Philosophy
  410. Philosophy and Religious Studies
  411. Physical Education
  412. Physical Recreation
  413. Physical Sciences
  414. Physical and Health Education
  415. Physics
  416. Physics Education
  417. Physics Electronics
  418. Physics and Applied Physics
  419. Physics and Astrology
  420. Physics and Computational Modelling
  421. Physics and Industrial Physics
  422. Physics and Solar Energy
  423. Physics with Electronics
  424. Physics with Material Science
  425. Physiology
  426. Physiology and Crop Production
  427. Physiotherapy
  428. Plant Biology
  429. Plant Breeding and Seed Science
  430. Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
  431. Plant Science
  432. Plant Science and Biotechnology
  433. Plant Science and Crop Production
  434. Plant Science and Forestry
  435. Plant Science and Microbiology
  436. Policy and Administrative Studies
  437. Policy and Strategic Studies
  438. Political Science
  439. Political Science Education
  440. Political Science and Conflict Resolution
  441. Political Science and Defense Studies
  442. Political Science and Diplomacy
  443. Political Science and International Relations
  444. Political Science and International Studies
  445. Political Science and Public Administration
  446. Political and Administrative Studies
  447. Politics and Sociology
  448. Polymer Engineering
  449. Polymer and Textile Engineering
  450. Population Studies
  451. Pre-Primary and Primary Education
  452. Primary Education Studies
  453. Production Engineering
  454. Project Management Technology
  455. Prosthesis and Orthopedic Technology
  456. Psychology
  457. Psychology Guidance and Counselling
  458. Public Administration
  459. Public Administration and Local Government
  460. Public Health Technology
  461. Public Relations and Advertising
  462. Public and Private International Law
  463. Pure Physics
  464. Pure and Applied Biology
  465. Pure and Applied Chemistry
  466. Pure and Applied Mathematics
  467. Pure and Applied Physics
  468. Pure and Industrial Chemistry
  469. Pure and Industrial Physics
  470. Quantity Surveying
  471. Radiography
  472. Religious Studies
  473. Religious and Cultural Studies
  474. Religious and Human Relations
  475. Remote Sensing and Geosciences Information System
  476. Rural Economy and Land Use
  477. Science Education
  478. Science Laboratory Technology
  479. Secretarial Administration
  480. Secretarial Education
  481. Shipping and Maritime Technology
  482. Social Justice
  483. Social Science Education
  484. Social Studies
  485. Social Work
  486. Sociology
  487. Sociology Education
  488. Sociology and Anthropology
  489. Software Engineering
  490. Soil Science
  491. Soil Science and Land Agro-Climatology
  492. Soil Science and Land Management
  493. Soil Science and Technology
  494. Soil and Environmental Management
  495. Special Education
  496. Sports Science
  497. Sports Science and Health Education
  498. Statistics
  499. Statistics and Demography
  500. Statistics/Computer Science
  501. Strategic studies
  502. Structural Engineering
  503. Subjects for Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
  504. Surveying and Geoinformatics
  505. Sustainable Agriculture
  506. Synthetic Biology
  507. Systems Engineering
  508. Teacher Education
  509. Technical Education
  510. Technological Management
  511. Technology and Vocational Education
  512. Telecommunication Engineering
  513. Telecommunication Management
  514. Telecommunication Science
  515. Telecommunication and Wireless Technology
  516. Textile Science and Technology
  517. Theater Arts
  518. Theater and Film Studies
  519. Theology
  520. Tourism Studies
  521. Transport Management Technology
  522. Transport and Planning
  523. Urban Studies
  524. Urban and Regional Planning
  525. Urban planning
  526. Veterinary Medicine
  527. Visual Art and Technology
  528. Vocational Education
  529. Vocational and Technical Education
  530. Water Resources Management and Agrometeorology
  531. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
  532. Water Resources, Aquaculture and Fisheries Technology
  533. Wildlife Management
  534. Wood Production Engineering
  535. Wood Work Education
  536. Zoology
  537. Zoology and Aquaculture
  538. Zoology and Environmental Biology

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