12 Ways To Increase AdSense CPC (Cost Per Click) 2020

How to Increase AdSense CPC (Cost Per Click) 2020 and How to Earn more with Low CPC

Before I show you how to increase AdSense CPC (Cost Per Click), I would like to inform you that what you’re about to read is base on my personal experience with Adsense.
So many bloggers had been lead to believe that adjusting somethings on AdSense dashboard or blog published post will increase AdSense CPC. Well, it may and it may not. But one thing is certain, Google AdSense would also adjust itself automatically. And oftentimes, we try to increase AdSense CPC after reading a blog post on how to but we quickly forget that our blogs differ. Google treats each blog and its pages differently.
If you’re just starting out as a blogger, this guide that I am about to share with you is very important but if you’re an old-time blogger – it is not easy to increase CPC – don’t be deceived but take correction and be hopeful.
If you’re bent on knowing how to increase AdSense CPC, you must first understand the real reasons for AdSense CPC drop.

AdSense CPC (Cost Per Click) would drop or fluctuate for the following reasons

  • Lack of keyword –  When AdSense cannot find a matching keyword for ads, you should expect low AdSense CPC. Most bloggers think they can wake up one day and start blogging –  There is a place for orientation. Except you’re blogging for the fun of it, to make money, you must understand the use and strategic locations of a keyword.
  • User search history – This is one major factor affecting low AdSense CPC. If the majority of your users are a gambler, expect more of gambling ads except you turn them off. What I meant is, users interest would influence the type of ads being displayed on your page in correlation to the matching keywords. You can get a feel for what kind of ads are showing up on your pages from Adsense Review Center
  • Traffic from low CPC country –  If your traffic sources are from countries like Nigeria and India, expect a low AdSense CPC because most often, users from these countries do not convert.
  • You blocked too many Advertisers Ad –  This, in turn, leads to low-pressure bidding. So many bloggers believe blocking low paying ads will increase CPC. This is true only if you run a News, Sport or Entertainment website where unrelated ads appear on your pages.
  • Clicks from users are not converting –  When your users click an ad without converting, that is no action was carried out after the first click –  like filling a form, Google is aware and takes note of the frequency. This may lead to Google Smart Pricing

Other factors affecting low AdSense CPC (Cost Per Click) are –

  • Low traffic – You need good traffic to earn more on AdSense
  • Paid traffic –  Google prefers organic traffic. That is, traffic from search engines
  • Too many Ad units on a page –  This gives advertisers the chance to bid low since there are many ad slots on your page
  • No User’s Intent Optimization (UIO)
  • You created a Custom Channel on a low traffic blog

12 Ways To Increase AdSense CPC (Cost Per Click) 2019

How to increase Google AdSense CPC (Cost Per Click) 2020

Like I said earlier, so many bloggers think blocking low paying Ads on AdSense would increase CPC (Cost Per Click)… From my experience, I can boldly say it’s not 100% true. The more Ads you block, the lower your CPC because Advertisers won’t bother about competition.
Google display AdSense ad unit on your page in two ways:

  • According to user search history
  • AdSense Ads marching the keywords of your page content

Google will display related ads with the highest bid on your webpage.
You can increase your AdSense CPC (Cost Per Click) by;

  1. Write action-oriented content – User would perform an action after reading through. Write global content. Something anyone can read and make sense of it.
  2. Insert Ads on top position  – Advertisers bid high for ads at the top position of a web page
  3. Don’t block ads – If you have good content and good organic traffic –  pressure for visibility will lead to higher bidding.
  4. Disable Auto ads – The less the better. If your content is worth it, advertisers would bid high for the few ad slots you made available. With Auto ads, you may see more than 5 ads showing on a page against the two slots you made available.
  5. Disable ads from match content –  If ads from matched content pay 0.01 per click, it is better you disable the ads. Let match content show only related content from your site. This would force advertisers to bid high for the slot you made available.
  6. Optimize your page for mobile and desktop users
  7. Study AdSense report but don’t obey every optimization tips.
  8. Write original and meaningful content. If you want to copy, try to add value to your copied content.
  9. Blog on high paying keywords – you don’t need a niche to do that.
  10. Limit your ads to 3-5
  11. Make ads more visible by using recommended AdSense
  12. Use link units. Placing Link unit at the top page attracts high bidding.
  13. Use Adsense AMP code especially for entertainment blog

How to earn more with Low AdSense CPC (Cost Per Click)

After all, is said and done, you may still experience low AdSense CPC, especially for old-time bloggers…  I know have been there. Your only hope is traffic and good page views.

  • You can drive traffic to your site by getting more backlinks to improve page rank.
  • You can increase page views by using inbound links on every page. This is possible if your pages are an offshoot.
  • Increase your page value by editing the content with User’s Intent Optimization (UIO)

11 thoughts on “12 Ways To Increase AdSense CPC (Cost Per Click) 2020”

  1. Thanks Sir, but I have questions concerning increase AdSense CPC, my site base on sports, and my CPC higher is 0.5, assume I block all low CPC on my AdSense dashboard, hopeful the CPC might increase from 0.5 or it remains same thing


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