Top 50 Happy Matriculation Prayers and Messages

Here are Fatherprada’s collection of Happy Matriculation Prayers and Messages for all student who has successfully gained admission into the university or college Congratulations messages for matriculants is unexpendable because Matriculants must have passed through a thorough screening process, before and after their admission into the University. Congratulations messages for matriculant

Matriculation Definition

The Matriculation Ceremony is an event that marks the formal admission of candidates into the University where they take the Oath of Admission, which grants them the full status of bonafide students of the University, thereby giving them all rights and privileges appertaining to them.

Every year, thousands of students seek admission into the university but only a few achieve their dreams. You are one of those few! You are an achiever. Your discipline, focus, hard work, sacrifices and prayers have earned you this resounding success.

matriculation caption for a friend


Matriculation wishes To Yourself or Someone

So if you are looking for a matriculation caption for a friend or popular educational quotes on matriculation to wish yourself or someone, be sure, we got you covered. These happy matriculation prayers and messages will meet your need, and as such, you can copy and send these messages to friends and family wish them Happy Matriculation.

Fatherprada’s quotes collections are powerful resource tools in areas of personal growth, education, life issues, relationship, religion, leadership, society and meditation. From these inspirational trust quotes, you can derive encouragement, motivation and even hope from time to time.

Furthermore, congratulations messages for matriculant you can spice up your speeches, reports, presentations, blogs, or use them as thoughtful words to your friends and loved ones. It is our sincere hope that you find the right happy matriculation prayers and messages.

Top 50 Happy Matriculation Prayers and Messages

  • Learning is going to be enjoyable. A promise that will be kept in a matter of your stay for the program. You will never regret your admission into this institution. Happy Matriculation.


  • Starting on a clean slate, hoping you will come out with first class. All the same, Happy Matriculation.


  • Get ready to be sharpened, guided and supported. Your academic success is a collective responsibility. Happy Matriculation.


  • I salute your courage for getting to this new level. Congratulations. Happy Matriculation dear.


  • May this feat launch you into greater achievements in the nearest future. Happy matriculation.


  • You’ve got what it takes to reach this stage. So proud associating with a success like you. Happy matriculation.


  • I am seeing you taking on your world on campus. You have got the potentials to greatly manifest. Happy Matriculation.


  • Beginning from the matriculation ceremony, may you always find around you useful and wonderful people to achieving your academic pursuit. Happy Matriculation
  • Get ready to study hard and pray harder but be sure our study group will always support to see you succeed. Happy matriculation.


  • Feel free and comfortable as you are about commencing your academic career. You will enjoy every bit of it. Welcome to campus. Happy Matriculation


  • If Education is expensive, ignorance is much more expensive. Do everything in your capacity to learn, unlearn and relearn. Happy Matriculation.


  • You were not admitted empty. You are here to be worked upon. Therefore, cooperate to actualise the real you. Happy Matriculation.


  • It’s obvious that reaching this milestone wasn’t an easy task. But you did it. My heartiest congratulations dear. Happy matriculation to you my aboki


  • Be content as what you are even if it is big or small, great or not, ’cause it’s still a blessing. Happy Matriculation


  • A little step every day makes you reach your final destination. Don’t be hasty, take it easy your ultimate goal is just a few steps away. Happy Matriculation


  • To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream; not only plan but also believe”.


  • My heartiest congratulations on your matriculation today! You really deserve it. May you have many more years of success and higher achievements. You have really made us proud.


  • I wish you a hearty Congratulations on this pleasant occasion. May your life always shower you with such happy and successful moments. Well done. Happy Matriculation Dear.


  • Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Happy Matriculation brother.

Best Wishes For School Matriculation

  • I heard you are matriculating today. Congrats! You have made yourself and your parents proud. Best of luck for all future endeavours and keep achieving all your goals.


  • You are not here to compete with anyone, believe in yourself and excel your own way. Happy matriculation.


  • Experience is the best teacher, practice leads to perfection. Take to heart your study and apply where necessary. You are laying a strong foundation for a bright future. Good Luck.


  • You are starting a program that will soon provide your meal ticket and set on the path of greatness. Therefore, study with all seriousness. Happy Matriculation.


  • Many have been here and graduated. If they can do it you too can. Happy matriculation dear.


  • Your graduation from this institution does not just showcase you as a useful product but prepare you for real-life tasks. Happy matriculation.


  • Be ready to build your life and career with varieties of questions and difficulties thrown at you in the course of your program. Happy Matriculation.


  • Your degree is not just about learning, it goes along with virtues. Both of them will make you a sought after. Endeavour to build yourself with them. Happy Matriculation


  • Changing a college curriculum is like moving a graveyard you never know how many friends the dead have until you try to move them – Woodrow Wilson.


  • You have started well in the program; you will end well. Happy matriculation sister.


  • Your expectation for excellence will not be cut short nor off. You shall finish strong. Good Luck and Happy Matriculation


  • You keep becoming better and brighter by the day. You shall grow tall in excellence. Happy Matriculation


  • Your academic pursuit will not at any point be disrupted. You shall have it smooth all through. Happy Matriculation


  • You shall not study in shame. You will not write exams in pain. With good health and prosperity, you shall come out shining. Happy Matriculation


  • You shall not lack great people who will help your destiny. Never shall you encounter those who will draw you into the abyss of shame. Happy matriculation.


  • Your name will find its way to the hall of fame. Your period of study shall mark a turning point in your life. Happy Matriculation.


  • During your study, your zero shall be turned hero. Happy Matriculation my love.


  • Getting here was not only my wish but more hard work and doggedness. It was not easy, this success you made. I’m glad of your feat. Congratulations. Happy Matriculation


  • Your admission into the program is a dream come true. You got what you really wanted. Now you can see hard work pays. Happy matriculation.


  • Among many candidates, you have been chosen for that program. You are unique and well-positioned for the opportunity placed before you. I’m happy for you as you matriculate.


  • You have indeed made us proud. We are happy to be associated with you. Congratulations on your achievement and good luck in your academic pursuit. Happy Matriculation


  • Amidst distractions and paucity of resources, you excelled to get here. Your passion and focus to be educated is inspiring. Happy matriculation.


  • I count myself lucky to have invested in making this admission possible. I did not lose as your diligence motivates me to contribute more to your successful academic career. Happy Matriculation
  • This you are getting right. Education will empower you to become tomorrow’s leader. This is just the beginning. Happy matriculation.


  • Many things will try to catch your attention as a fresh student.  Be open-minded, ask questions and be responsible for any action you take. Happy matriculation.


  • I heard about your matriculation ceremony. So happy for you. You have made your family proud. Keep achieving your goals. Happy Matriculation


  • I salute your courage for getting to this new level. Congratulations. Happy matriculations


  • You’ve got what it takes to reach this stage. So proud associating with a success like you. Happy matriculation.


  • I am seeing you taking on your world on campus. You have got the potentials to greatly manifest. Congratulations.


  • Beginning from the matriculation ceremony, may you always find around you useful and wonderful people to achieve your academic pursuit. Happy Matriculation


  • It’s great to have you admitted into this institution. It’s a privilege others have longed to get. You are one of the lucky ones. Welcome to this great citadel of learning. Happy Matriculation


  • I love the aura that comes with celebrating things that people worked for. You deserve to be matriculating, you’re great! Happy Matriculation


  • I’m so proud of what you’ve become and who you’re steadily becoming. Happy matriculation


  • I have goosebumps all over from great excitement about the fact that you’re matriculating today, congratulations! Happy Matriculation


  • I remember how you studied so hard that everyone began to tease you. Now, they get to celebrate you. Happy Matriculation


  • The goal should be to come out learned and better, anything that will stop you from getting this goal should not be your companion. Happy matriculation!

Congratulatory Messages And Blessing For Matriculant

  • 1 Kings 4:34 – The story of your academic exploits will be heard beyond the shores of this nation in Jesus name Happy Matriculation.


  • Psalm 16:7 – The power of success will work in your life and the rain of knowledge and wisdom fall on you in Jesus name. Happy Matriculation.


  • Psalm 30:5 – Joy shall be the outcome of your educational pursuit and your studies will be crowned with success in Jesus name. Happy Matriculation.


  • Psalm 31:21 – I declare that you shall see the marvellous works of God in your studies in Jesus name. Happy Matriculation.


  • Psalm 31:22 – Oh Lord, do not judge [name] by the measure of his/her faith. Let the rain of mercy fall on him/her today for academic success in Jesus name. Happy Matriculation.

Short Matriculation Wishes

  • Happy Matriculation to you! This day comes just once a lifetime, so make the most of it!
  • Wishing you happy matriculation, filled with endless love and laughter.
  • May this special day bring you joy, happiness, and precious memories! Happy Matriculation
  • Happy Matriculation to you! Thank you for being such an extraordinary friend.
  • Be stronger and more confident when facing problems on a daily basis. I wish you nothing but the best in this next phase of your life. Happy Matriculation.
  • Finally, success has rewarded you. Your commitment and devotion over the years have not gone unnoticed. Today, Happy Matriculation.
  • Being a student won’t be easy but it is worth it. Happy Matriculation
  • Change the world by being yourself. Happy Matriculation dearie
  • Every moment is a fresh beginning. Happy Matriculation dear
  • Hello son! May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears. Happy Matriculation
  • Hey, You are now a bonafide student. Determine your priorities and focus on them. Happy Matriculation
  • Now that you are here. Strive for greatness. Happy Matriculation
  • Now you have been admitted. Whatever you do, do it well. Happy Matriculation
  • Remember how it all started. Everything you can imagine is real. Happy Matriculation
  • School is no playing ground. What consumes your mind controls your life. Happy Matriculation
  • What we think, we become. Success is yours. Happy Matriculation dearie
  • You are now in the midst of strange faces. Be so good they can’t ignore you. Happy Matriculation
  • You have just begun another chapter of your life. There is no substitute for hard work. Happy Matriculation
  • You made it! Now, aspire to inspire before you expire. Happy Matriculation

Many of these Happy matriculation quotes are the result of a collection from various sources; such as newspapers, magazines, bible, other speakers, write-ups, seminars, articles and websites and every effort has been made to give credit where it is due for the material contained herein. Most of these Happy matriculation messages meanings are straightforward and easy to understand probably due to the simplicity or nature of their authors.

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