Admission requirement into Confucius Institute in Nigeria

The Confucius Institute was founded in Nigeria as a cooperation between the Nigerian Universities and China. The Confucius Institute promote and teach Chinese culture and language around Nigeria. Confucius Institute in Nigerian universities develop Chinese language courses, train teachers, hold the HSK Examination (Chinese proficiency test), host cultural and artistic presentations, and provide information about contemporary China.

The aim of the Confucius Institute is to facilitate Chinese language promotion and Chinese cultural transmission in Nigeria and to produce qualified Chinese language teachers and excellent Chinese language students.

WAEC Subject Combinations into Confucius Institute

In WAEC, NECO or GCE, you are expected to register a maximum of 9 subjects at the Confucius Institute. You can register for less than 9 subjects if you are resitting.

However, you must have at least 5 credit passes amongst the 9 subjects listed below before you can gain admission into any Nigerian university to gain admission into Confucius Institute.

Remember, the requirement you’re about to read is also applicable to all o level examinations. (WAEC, NECO and GCE). We have painstakingly highlighted (in red) the core subjects on which you must obtain credit before gaining admission. Any subject with blue colour means, a pass is allowed.

If you fail one of the core subjects, you should read through each university’s special requirements for this course below to see if there is a university that may accept another subject in lieu of the one you failed. The 9 WAEC/NECO/GCE subject combinations in Confucius Institute are:

  1. Literature in English
  2. Government
  3. Mathematics
  4. English Language
  5. History
  6. Civic Education
  7. CRK/IRS
  8. Biology
  9. A trade subject

JAMB subject combination for Confucius Institute

For this degree, you are also required to register for 4 subjects and English is compulsory. More so, your JAMB score in addition to your POST UTME score will determine the cumulative score that the university will use to decide your candidacy for admission.

You should score 180 or above in JAMB to stand a better chance of gaining admission into Confucius Institute. You can still gain admission if you score between 160-170 upward but you do not stand a chance with those who had scored higher. Try out JAMB Admission Simulator.

The 4 JAMB subject combination for Confucius Institute:

  1. English Language
  2. Government
  3. Literature in English
  4. CRK/IRS

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List of Universities in Nigeria where Confucius Institute is present

  1. University of Lagos
  2. Nnamdi Azikiwe University

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