On this page, you will find an interesting list of college majors A-Z. How many majors are there in total? There are well over 1300 popular majors. Explore and choose the major that interests you. Keep in mind that some of the majors in this list may have a different name than what you are searching or your intended program may be an option under a specific major.

If you’re not sure about a college major, don’t worry. Most students switch majors during college. Even students who think they know what they want to major in often change their minds.

Choosing a college major is not the same as choosing a job. It will be up to you to pick a career path you like. For example, a degree in French literature might lead you to a job in publishing, teaching, advertising, public relations or law, among other fields.

There are different majors in college. All universities and colleges present their own lists of majors for students to browse – usually in alphabetical order. Fatherprada brings all college majors (0ver 1300 of them!) together in one place.

This means that you are more likely to find majors that match your individual skills and interests, while also being exposed to subject areas you might otherwise not have considered to be a major offered at school.

If you cannot locate your desired major in this list, don’t worry. We are constantly adding more majors to this list. If you know a major that is not listed here, please use this form to add it. Thanks.

College majors that start with A:

College majors that start with B:

College majors that start with C:

College majors that start with D:

College majors that start with E:

College majors that start with F:

College majors that start with G:

College majors that start with H:

College majors that start with I:

College majors that start with J:

College majors that start with K:

College majors that start with L:

College majors that start with M:

College majors that start with N:

College majors that start with O:

College majors that start with P:

College majors that start with Q:

College majors that start with R:

College majors that start with S:

College majors that start with T:

College majors that start with U:

College majors that start with V:

College majors that start with W:

College majors that start with Y:

College majors that start with Z:

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