To Blog With Niche or Blog Without a Niche

Should I blog with a niche or blog without a niche?

Let no ebook and some old man’s blog post about blogging with a niche or without a niche stop you from doing what you want. Should I blog with niche or no niche? The right question should be – do you have a passion for writing and research?

If yes, start writing about those things that interest you first and would also interest visitors. According to my concept on UIO, you neither blog knowing nor blog assuming. The idea of having a niche was born from – Make Money Blogging– where you must use keywords, target a country to increase AdSense CPC, target reader, target product, target blah blah blah…

But is it a must to blog with a niche and is it really possible to blog without a niche? most intending bloggers ask this question because they really do not know the true definition of a niche. Some of you ask this question… Can I blog with a niche or without a niche? in other to satisfy doubt and to make a decision.

I love been and practical so you know better- you see Fatherprada, which was once known as Studentguide, was designed to deal with student admission, but in the long run, I felt a strong urge to share my experience about blogging and other areas of knowledge. 

So what’s the true definition of niche? believe me, if you knew the definition of a niche, you wouldn’t bother asking whether to blog with a niche or to blog without a niche. You would be blogging right now.

Every blog has a Niche. Every blog has a reader and for every reader his/her blog.

When it comes to blogging, your niche is the summation of your entire blog or website. A niche can be defined as the scope of a website. But you don’t need really need a niche to start blogging. After much study, I drew out the four types of blog niches.

Really, it’s never too late to blog but always late to ponder for long on what to blog about. Someone has written something similar to what you’re still thinking about. The question – To blog with niche or no niche is not really a question and asking if you have the passion for blogging is a wrong question because as a newbie, you really do not know anything about blogging.

There is no passion for what you don’t know and the act of blogging is a dimension of its own accord. The more you blog, the more you acquire knowledge. The real question should be – Do you have a passion for writing? If yes, then this category of Niche will answer your question of whether to blog with a niche or blog without a niche.

The Four Types of Blog Niche

  • Amoeba Niche
  • Broad Niche
  • Focus Niche
  • Slack Niche


Amoeba Niche:

Also called Nicheless blog can be said to be the jack of all niches. This type of blog works within a niche but is never limited by its own scope. They are mutable, hopping on from trending topic to other topics of interest.

Amoeba has the most traffic though most likely not suitable for one-man blogger. This type of niche do not rely completely on a passion to thrive but also rely on contributors, guest bloggers and curated content.

They maintain an advanced level of structure to ease navigation through related and unrelated topics. Nicheless blog or non-niche blog, falls under Amoeba. A blogger under this category is called Amoebbist.
Example of Amoeba Niche/Nicheless Blog

  • News Blog
  • Blog on Currency
  • Blog on Living things
  • Educational Blog


Broad Niche:

This kind of Niche is broad indeed. Blogs within this niche are limited by scope. This niche often cohabits with slack niche through a subdomain or subdirectory. That is, a broad niche can blog more about a particular subject within scope and blog less on others. Broad niche is often high to a focused niche. Most bloggers realise their passion for a particular subject from a broad niche. A blogger under this category is called The Broadist
Example of Broad Niche

  • News Blog on Religion
  • Cryptocurrencies Blog
  • Animals Blog
  • University/College Admission Blog


Focus Niche:

This is what I call the Passionairer’s niche and it is often birthed from a broad niche. You must have developed a passion for a subject to blog within this niche. This kind of blog is limited to a subject within the scope of interest. Focus niche demands knowledge and consistency. A blogger under this category is called Passionairer.
Example of Focus Niche

  • News blog on Christianity
  • Bitcoin blog
  • Blog on Domestic animal
  • Blog about Online Study


Slack Niche:

This is a one-sided niche loosed from a focused niche. They are narrow niches usually established by institutions, organisations, individuals etc… purposely to promote something. For example visions, products, services etc. You should not expect too many blog posts from this kind of niche. Slack niche is action ended – where you’re expected to buy, download, call, subscribe, provide feedback, respond to survey, test product, place order and blah blah blah.
Example of Slack Niche

  • Pentecostal News blog
  • Blog about Mining bitcoin
  • Pig Blog
  • Online Vocational study blog

So now you know the four types of niche and that there is no such thing as a non-niche blog. Every blog has a niche and for every niche, there is a blog. Find your interest, learn the art of blogging, take interest in SEO and UIO, Write, write and write.

Write about anything that is of interest to you and would also interest readers until your nicheless blog takes a shape (if that was your goal)… Don’t get stuck with the thought of finding your niche first before you start blogging – there is no designated place where a niche can be found. Until you start, you will never find.

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